Congratulations to When Steel Talks (WST) and the membership. We have now passed the 10,000 membership mark and counting. This is great news we have come a long way in a relatively short time and the best is yet to come.
(Just imagine when we are up to 100,000 members)
This Forum of 10,000 plus membership has great potentials. Thousands of ideas, thousands of topics, We can have consensus and zero in on specific and detailed discussions. We can mobilize, petition, and network to produce business and programs, and affect change in the Pan establishment. . We certainly can become proactive. This type of communications and connections are very positive developments for the Steelpan.
Again congratulations to WST for the thoughtful proactive production of this Forum
Congrats WST on the milestone that you have achieved. You have been doing a wonderful job for all Steel Pan Lovers all over the world. You have enlighten -entertained and brought Joy to many of us. I sincerly hope that you will continue with this Programme, and multiply in great numbers. We the members of WST thank you for this forum which has given us the privelege to express ourselves and contribute to the ''Best Pan Website on Earth'''
This is something for WST to be extremely proud of. I appreciate the opportunity to voice my (pan-related) opinions, and I look forward to working with those like Salah, and numerous others on this site, who sincerely have the interest of the steelband movement at heart, including those I may not always agree with. Thanks for giving the credit where it is due, Salah.
Congrats, how can I make contact with management ?
Well said folks,This is indeed a great site,and great possibilities exist when 10,000 + minds can focus on the promotion and uplifting of one instrument; the STEELPAN. Congrats to All members of WST.
Congrats to WST.
Congratulations to When Steel Talks!I Hope so everyday is little bit Better..............
Couldn't say it better myself. Thanks for this amazing platform dedicated to PAN. Congrats. Izapanlovertoo.
Thanks Salah for reminding us of what a great "PANTRINBAGO" job, Mr. Trevor John and WST are providing. (lol)
Ian. lol. Power does truly rest in the hands of the people, doesn't it?
Congrats and keep growing .Great site.