Desmond Chase speaks on WIADCA and NY Steelband Panorama Issues

Open letter to the Caribbean Community from Desmond Chase

New York, USA - Thus far, I have endeavored to stay clear of the controversy which has engulfed the West Indian-American Day Carnival Association (WIADCA) since the mass resignation of its president, Ms. Yolanda-Clarke, followed by a bunch of misfits who have over the years abused the talents and dedication of Mas makers, Steelbands and Mas players. I was relieved for a while thinking that here at last this, most important cultural event would be rescued from the brink of demise.

I am forced at this time to respond to Mr. Thomas Bailey, President of the new WIADCA or as I would prefer to rename - OWINB - “Old Wine In New Bottle.” His hypocritical statements in the New York Carib News-Online Edition recently, regarding his ascension to the presidency begs for clarification for the uninformed and unsuspecting members of the public, and affected victims of historical mismanagement. From his appealing tone one would think that he has emerged from a place far away from the feeding trough of this Association.
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  • Thanks Mr. Chase for the insight and I am on your side. However, this is my food for thought: I was refused service once at a meat market in Brooklyn in the early 1970's. There were no electronic calculating scales, so the butchers would weigh a consumer's meat and give a price. The butcher always inflated the correct cost up to between .10 cents and $1.00 according to the weights. Whenever it came my turn I always say with a smile, you are off a few cents 3.33 lbs at .25 cents per lb is X not XX. The butcher will then smile and say, you are right. This one time, because I said, you are incorrect, a butcher became more mad than mad. I said, "all yo olways robbin people." He said well do not come back. I found another meat market, but same khaki pants.

    My point is, no entity should cheat another entity. But, if you know that you are being cheated, why allow yourself to be cheated over and over again. When are we going to realize that we cannot blame others when we have rights know which way is up.


    • Mr Chase, It might not be such a bad idea for you and your organization to run things.

  • Well said Mr. Chase. Now the work begins to re-move WIADCA as we know it and put a new body that truly represents the art and culture of all caribean people in position. We all should, and must benefit from the work that goes into making the Labor Day celebrations what it is today.

  • As I have said before, everything or every organization that deals with money, there is going to be Corruption, and the WIADCA is no exception. For years Lezama and His Cronies had milked the Blood, Sweat and Tears of the Mas Men and Steelbands and used the WIADCA as their own ATM Machine. Now that the coffers are dry and the perpetrators has left with bulging pockets, its no one sguess where the WIADCA is heading. There was never any accountability to its Stake holders and to those who brought in the revenue. So low and behold hold We have a broke WIADCA and the Steelbands still waiting to be paid. The Big question is Who will be able to rebuild this Organization so that all its Contibutors, be it Mas people or Steelbands will be able to benefit from their hard worK ????????????????? WHO ?????????????

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