Disrespect to Pan on Carnival Tuesday

 There was amplification for the "play de devil" bands beating their biscuit tins, two sets of Tassa drummers appeared thay got amplification, But when our National Instrument came across the stage there was NOTHING for them. Four ot of the steel orchestras that I saw got NO SUCH FAVOUR not even the national champions All Stars

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  • I agree and not only that de steel pan is ours, move de big truck out de way and let de steel band take it's cause its Trini own and everybody else all over is enjoying de steel and loving it, you don't c a big truck competition hold on 2 what we got, and we got one of de world greatest instrustment in de WORLD that can play any type of music u want 2 hear.


  • I thought the sound was just bad over the station...In This day in age the

    Sound people should be on top of it for all bands !! The Sound should be the Best in the World just as  Important as Steel is!!  Even more so.  I catch myself showing off the bands to newbe's and I always say too bad its not in person because Its so much better than this.  n yes I could Not hear All Stars music... however, It was nice to see the show when I couldn't be there myself this time. :(

  • Pantrinibago is encouraging this also,because if you could keep an all inclusive party on the Green's on the night of the panorama ,what does that tell you.And I heard that they are planning for 2013 already.

    And about ctv, on carnival tuesday that lady broadcaster, talk from 6:00am until 2:pm without stopping,She could talk.

  • If the powers that be wish for the steel band to be an integral part of the Carnival parade, accommodations will have to be made.

    If they believe as I do, that steelbands made the Trinidad carnival special and the lack of pan on the road lessens the Carnival, then the Trinidad Government, Pan Trinbago and the NCC should together make the necessary accommodations for the steelband.

    Some of the ideas out there are placing limits on the DJs, special routes for pan, even Accoustic Monday.

    I don't know what would work but there are knowledgeable people who can come up with better ideas.

    Of course that would depend on whether they wish to keep the uniqueness of the Carnival ,and improve the lot of the panist, or whether they just want to maintain the status quo

  • So, again, we "cry" about it, but it does not hurt us enough to do something about it. (NO offense meant.) We seem to speak as a powerless (though passionate and thinking) group, having no control over our destiny. I agree, it is important to identify the problem, but any obstacle loses its punch, once discovered. It is up to the individual or group to make (a) decision(s), as to the best action (reaction, really) they need to take, in order to bring about the necessary change(s), that will produce the results they seek. Of course, that will involve sacrifice (boycotts, for example), but certainly, "venting" alone will not change anything. Agreeably, we all have our own emotional ways of dealing with it, and, I hope, maybe, you all can grow to, at least, understand, why I chose "anger". Again, I have not watched Panorama for years, and I would rather pay twice the money to listen to any steelband doing their own private concert, where the players and members are the ones that benefit financially. If some of my suggestions in my "Blueprint For Pan Success" were "law", all that we now speak of, would not be happening. Rather, that simply consider my ideas, some choose to focus on the messenger, and not the message. I take strength in knowing that, all "martyrs" spoke in words, that only few understand, and offended many, and as Bob said: "I'll never forget...they crucified Jessus Christ...sold Marcus Garvey for rice...turned their backs on Paul Bogle...". (I would add, "and in Trinidad, forgot the works of George Goddard...")  I, as always, look forward to the day when we, as a united group, take back control of our destiny. 


  • Steelpan amplified usually sounds horrible and distorted, when miked in a hurry by people without specialist knowledge.  Especially on stage in the Savannah one gets the echo effect between the live band and what you hear from the speakers with result that the music is blurred. Steelpans are an out-door instrument and sound perfect without amplification.

    I rather hear the sweet sound of the 'newest ACOUSTICAL instrument" acoustic, indeed. There are still a few people in T&T who are not deaf as yet from all those "Big Trucks" and who can appreciate man-made music unplugged. All steelband events should be without amplification, that's what pans are built for and how they sound best, same as a symphony orchestra.

  • Evan, Very good point. I have been playing steelpan for J'ouvert for the past 16 years and this year was the most amount of "rest" i got while being towed. We had to cut our performance and presentation from Ana Street until Adam Smith Square becasue of the amount of DJs set up along the route who refused to cut their music in respect for our National Instrument. Not to mention the vulgarity they promoted in front of their locations. We had to secure our supporters from what was a very frightened experience for them.  First the issue was with the music trucks now everyone feels that they should set up music systems on every corner just to make a quick sale. This was very disappointing and disrespectful. My band will definately take this further.

    • Those big trucks are not playing music for the masquerasers they are playing music to sound loudest. Those DJ's are so immoral that during the kiddies carnival they played several inappropiate songs and most of those trucks were simply trying to outloud the truck behind or infront. I was so overwhelmed by the noise I panicked and became so concerned for my grandchild who was also shaking her head from the loudness. In another country would have to modify that sound and play the appropiate songs for the children. This is not just an issue for the pan people to challenge but all involved in the celebrations

  •  well what does that say loud and clear

     after panorama pan is a nuisance

     most of the steelbands did not play on the avenue while being towed

  • Yeah! I felt the same displeasure hearing more 'chatter' than the music accompanying the bands.

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