Revisited - Do something for Pan and get EDUCATED!

Khuent RoseGlobal - ....The Pan movement utterly lacks humility amongst its peers and supporters; conversely, it lacks audacity and a sense of community against its offenders.

....Boogsie”had it right ... “Do something for Pan”.  Not for your ego. Not for the political assailants that, at the drop of a farthing would sell out everything that makes pan beautiful to the highest bidder... Not to the judges and commentators who lack the ability to understand, much less articulate the cacophony of notes and tones that flashed by their ears at the hands of the 100+ mixture of musicians, instrumentalists, and pretenders. Not to the grumpy old men holding onto delusions of grandeur lost in their mummified youth. Nor the cocky up-start that has fallen in love with the idea that they’re God’s gift to the instrument.

by Khuent Rose
click for full story

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  • Fast forward to 2014 the steelband in the Mecca is in a SAD state, the young educated players prefer to go with a DJ on the road for carnival, the way it looks to me is that it is only the elders trying to maintain the presence of the steelband on the road for carnival, I would certainly like to hear what the young people have to say about this.  

  • Good luck Khuent on the persuit of your Phd sorry bout the misspelling of your name (my bad) once you are in the caribbean Quarter of Brooklyn and involved in pan you will become a Trini by pan, , pan does that to people trust me. Shannon Dudley spent a year in pan in TnT and became pure Callaloo, So you are a Trini by pan like yuh pardner Emily (she gone clear too) still when you finish your disertation turn it into a book, I cyar wait to read it boo
  • well you are a Rose by "prose" they might be some kinda family to you there was a Carlos Rose who was a journalist a very aritculate writer like yourself the captain of the Flamingoes steel orchestra from which Exodus broke out from, his son Dougie is the leading second pan player in Exodus and a crackshot like you, that is why I ask also I have never met any of my cousins kids who hail from New York who is married into that family and your complexion and facial features looks like a true Rose face, doh fret the Roses from St augustine is well loved and respected
  • I meant to reply to this message a few days ago. Thank you Khuent for your insight. After being witness to some rather disappointing opinions posted here on this forum about various topics, all I can say is that this article is definitely a breath of fresh air. I hope we as fellow members of the global steel pan community can continue to move forward in a positive light.
  • Good Stuff! I hope the necessary folks are reading!!!
  • How long again before the book is out, I know one has to b on d way.
    And by the way are you related to Carlos and douggie, one of my cousins married a Rose
    • WHOAH WHOAH... no no... lol

      My family is Costa Rican and Honduran. Their ancestry stretches into central america, the Cayman Islands and Panama. I know that my knowledge of pan and Trinidad as well as a pretty convincing TNT accent throws a lot of people off. I actually don't have "legitimate west-indian" ancestry. I have much the same blurred origins as the majority of the Diaspora. 

      Dougie (martin douglas, I believe) just share skin tone(lol).

      As far as the book goes, I have been collecting missives, blurbs and intellectual articles on a philosophical matter to do with pan... I'm preparing to really focus on it when I'm working towards my Ph.D. :-D


  • Well well Mr.Rose esquire,sir the right honourable. I just came across your entire contribution and now I know that the gift of being able to talk from our hearts is our Trinbago flavour.some of us at least is like seeing some of my own thought and others, you have really put it in a nutshell, I doubt there is anybody out there to challenge your sincerity
    I hate the idea of extracting selected portions of acontribution wst is so flooded whit rhetoric that I have to take it piece by piece and I missed your entire presentation, my prior reaction was based on what wst chose to highlite now I have read the whloe thing I have only one word for you THANKS
    • OH... HAHA...
      I am somewhat relieved to know that I hadn't offended you after all. We won't work together if we start by offending one another at the beginning.
      I appreciate that it resonated positively with a veteran like yourself.
  • Well said Mr. Rose.

    What do you see as the greatest obstacle at this moment?

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