Does Panorama add hundreds, thousands, or millions of US and other foreign currencies to the Government and people of Trinidad and Tobago or does it brings in nothing and is a big burden to Tax payers hard earned monies. Does it brings in more than what is allocated for the staging of Panorama or is it a waste of time and Tax dollars. Now if there is no Panorama 2017 will it affect the revenue that comes in at Carnival or the revenue if any it brings in for the carnival season will not be missed. Some members on this forum has been calling for a boycott of the 2017 Panorama until it can be fixed or returned to one category and stop players from playing in more that one band which causes players to have no loyalty to any band and that steelbands are dying. To me it seems if steelbands are dying then they are making children because every year there are more steelbands registering for Panorama especially in the single Pan category. I see no problem of some WST members suggesting a boycott of Panorama 2017., But my simple question is, are they thinking of panorama as a whole or are they thinking only of themselves and not Trinidad and Tobago. enquiring minds would like to be educated. NUFF said BLESSINGS EVERYONE.
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Our undying love for Pan and Steelband music, continues to blind us to the hard economic realities that must be confronted to achieve a thriving industry, Reality #1 : the global population of Pan music lovers (panatics) is small. Sentimentality aside; where is the market demand?.
Good post Masai, I too believe the market is small.
Cecil: That is the SECOND TIME that Masai (who I have the ultimate respect for) posed that premise. And I was really going to leave it alone for a second time because I read the response three hours ago. But you guys are BOTH WRONG!!!! I am not even going to bother to expand on my disagreement because the people who SO CLAIM to LOVE PAN should be figuring out all that stuff. And since NOBODY seems to be able to figure it out -- that is why things are stagnant and the MARKET cannot be recognized.
Please excuse me. I have great respect for the work done by the Pan Trinbago administration.
This is a figure and any such relevant figures that it should have at its fingertips.
Perhaps this and any other relating questions should be made direct to them.
Other relevant questions. Band composition ( number of people playing, number of visitors related to
number of players in the steel bands , the number of visitors etc etc.
If this is not so , why is it not so ?
The present Panorama format has hardly changed since pan was a little boy ( and that was a long time ago ). The money that can be earned is really from international television/radio/internet broadcast but who will sponsor or pay for a dragging interrupted show like the finals night. We earn very little from the Panorama truth be told. PT is not a good management body by any means and the big money in Panorama comes from the semi-finals when people come to lime and party rather that seriously listen to pan.
A well-crafted show where the pansides are seamlessly wheeled on and off with them being set-up offstage on moveable floats would allow production of a smoothly flowing exhibition of pan music which would the premier pan show in the entire world and which would attract sponsors and audiences. The increased revenue would offset the cost of the moveable floats. Setup can be done because each band/arranger should know which pan assembly they want for their side and the dimensions of the float would basically mirror the stage. We can do this if we need to continue with competition.
If we decide that we do not want competition then there are other formats which can cater to a better flow of pan as a concert with each selected side being equally compensated. We have to change or be left behind in the global pan development race.
Earl, I am one who thinks that Panorama as presently constituted, is not best practice for the Steelbands,but I also know that steelbands provide an enormous amount of social benefits to the Nation,throughout the year, and Panorama presents a special excitement to individuals and communities,that positively adds to the Nation's well being.
I would like a detailed study to be done on steelbands contribution to the National fabric, and at what cost.I would also like to have a detailed study done on the cost to the National fabric,by the criminal elements (white and blue collar), so that we may have a better understanding of the true value of any moneys the GROTT spends on keeping the steelbands alive and healthy.
One other thing Earl,doh bother with Claude and "dig up five to ten more articles like this" that superficially treats with the Steelband, as have been the wont of ALL GROTT,but explore the potential of the steelband,to reverse the ever growing threats to the safety and well being of our communities.
Better yet,spend some time helping a steelband and understand what are the weaknesses and strengths of a steelband.
Good question Earl.
earl, if the government provide the venue, pay the prize and appearance monies, all PT has to do is collect from the gate, the Government might loose money but PT kill it [make money] for sure
We will never know with PanTrinbago and Panorama as a stand alone event. They (PT) don't have the infrastructure in place to provide proper accountability.
Time for some serious discussion/action on the Panorama product, using a centralized server for data collection, they can conduct analysis and come up with meaningful solutions to increase their customer base both local and foreign, generate new sources of revenue and help stamp out irregularities in the players registry.
Earl Richards: Yuh is meh best pardner on the forum. Ah like how yuh does post. Doh bother with Cecil and Bertel and Bugs and Dr. deLite and merrytonestothebone and all dem other fellahs -- ah like you more than dem.
Ah have ah little bit of an answer here for you. Dig up five to ten more articles like this and you could write your own paper. And if you need some help structuring the article and yuh want to impress everybody with ah set ah fancy words -- you have my permission to solicit the assistance of DR. deLIGHT!!!
After you read this come back and tell me what you think!!!