New York, USA - Indeed the title of this article is a shocker for some. Did an initial set of confusion rush to your brain? Did you rub your eyes twice to check what you were reading? Good!!
Ah - but imagine for a moment that twelve months ago famed business mogul and fellow New Yorker Donald Trump took over helm of the New York Steelband Association. And took an oath to seek all things that were beneficial to members of this New York Steelband Association, financially, socially, culturally and historically.
What would be your minimum expectations of Mr. Trump, of his office - of what he would bring to the table?
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The notion of a Trump-like figure involvement ends all romantic notions of what a business enterprise around the steelpan music enterprises really represents. If one can't deal with a 'Trump' figure not only are they not ready for prime time but they should also stay out of the kitchen. The Trump figure exists on both sides of the equation. Again, there is no shortage of pan people who deal with the likes of a 'Trump' figure everyday - particular in New York. They can interact with such every day at work, for example.
Most of what you suggest seems to center around the amateur level. There is nothing wrong with that, but it is a different arena, that is probably better suited for an association with community-based and educational institutions.
Most of the ideas you have are commendable. However, they are not based in economic reality, financial feasibility or fan-based interests. While a steelpan music industry could easily support and welcome hundreds of thousands of players and supporting staff globally (and thereby provide thousands of jobs,) it is not immediately clear which regions/countries could actually support professional franchises - outside of the New York area - simply because of population density, wealth and culture. In reality, how many professional steel orchestras could the Caribbean region actually support? Can they support more than three or four outside of the competition arena in a professional setting?
Think for a moment of the Broadway theatre scenario. How many, and exactly which, steel orchestras could pack a theater, eight shows a week over six days, and for six to seven years non-stop? Moreover, what countries could support such a venture?
There probably is not another country in the world that produces quality baseball players like the Dominican Republic; however the majority of their pro level talent plays in the USA. No country produces quality basketball players like the US. However, in reality there are probably more US professional players in Europe than the US.
Simply put: the steelpan organizations - particularly those in New York - have to take advantage of the wealth of resources that are available to them - right here in the media and financial capital of the world.
Stephen Howard > When Steel TalksDecember 20, 2009 at 9:44pm
My previous response touched on the economical aspects on the internationalization of this instrument.
Stevie Wonder and others have included the Tenor Pan in their music which were hits on the charts. One of The Grand Master's biggest hits featured Professor Ken Filmore. Not enough Artists have utilized this instrument in their recordings. Most Calypsonians do not even feature this instrument in their club mixes nor the instrumental versions of their hits.
When I first heard Fly Robin Fly by Silver Convention being played on my neighbor's radio while walking home one evening, the introduction sounded like a Tenor Pan, yet they were actually violins. If the Tenor Pan was used as a substitute for the violin, piano, keyboard, guitar, etc., it would play a major role in giving recognition to this instrument, and eventually Steelbands.
When I've produced programs featuring the Steel Pan, Listeners would virtually revisit their honeymoons (on the air) and talk about their wonderful experiences while attending dances with the likes of Pan Am North Stars and Morvant Ebonites. Others would call to share their carnival experiences, or reminisce on the Panorama Competitions and talk about how good it was to jump up in the bands with so many people from different nations.
Not enough Caribbean People (and their offspring, especially Blacks) major in Economics, Business Administration, and Finance, not to mention Artists and Repertoire ( A&R ). Without "degrees" in these areas, it becomes extremely difficult for "Band Leaders, Pan Players, and Promoters" to realize and implement the economic potential which this wonderful instrument could attain.
Only when the Steel Pan can be seen as, and treated as a financial entity, would its true potential be recognized. Sponsorships of Steelbands have provided many with the opportunities to travel and establish themselves abroad. To simply continue treating this instrument simply as a hobby, and not as the musical instrument that it indeed is, would only keep the Steel Pan in a virtual black hole.
As visitors to WST's site know, this beautiful instrument is played around the world, and most of these international players are found in universities. Since it is so internationally accepted, a game plan has to be devised to take it to much greater heights so that it can attain it's true identity as a musical instrument, which can generate "real" economic benefits ($$$) for its players and their families.
A complete game plan I do not have, but I'm willing to engage knowledgeable people in discussions, on 99.5FM in NYC and, to address this most perplexed topic of the true economics of Pan.
I can be contacted at, if you'd like to engage me in some serious constructive Pan conversation on the air.
Will the players not have a union and agents that will negotiate on their behalf just like Tiger, Koby and Beyonce has? Will the Steelband franchises not have an association and lawyers that will look out for their interest?
Will the association not grow and become national to include the hundreds of other steelbands in the United States?
15 minutes from Sonatas panyard is the financial capitol of the world "Wall Street". 20 minutes from the Despers USA yard is the media capitol of the world. The home of CNN, HBO, ABC, CBS, NBS, VH1, MTV and so many others. 30 minutes for Pantonic's yard is Lincoln Center, Madison Square Garden and Radio City to name a few. The entertainment capitol of the world. 40 minutes from the CASYM's yard is the home of the world champion Yankees. We won't mention JZ, FUBU, A-Rod and others zillionares who went to school and grew up with many of these same pan players. The article speaks of New York not Trinidad where the expectations and dynamics are different.
Many of the people who play pan in New York work in these very places in some capacity or another. Many of the young people in these bands have advanced degrees and are in upper management. Indeed are they not doctors, engineers, managers, business people themselves? They are not stupid or lack intelligence. There are no shortage of successful business models, industries and enterprises for them to study.
The replies on this blog is TYPICAL of the Trinbagonian all negative and all out of any sense at all. Imagine that NYSA has had all their money stolen by who ever and most of the replies here are saying that Trump will steal the money.
Do people on this BLOG think that ssomeone of that stature will dabble in the small money that is made now. I think that Mr Trump would bring order, clarity and some sort of stability to that organisation, he would bring sponsors, and a new type of interest as people are curious about anything that a person like him touches , that is what I think that he would bring.
When I was a young woman people played Pan for the love of it, you played Pan for you community flag women waved the the flag with pride( never mind the licks when you got home if you came from a "Good Family")and money was not the first thing. This encouraged a lot of exploitation of the Pan man/woman in later years.
We live in a different world today and people have to be rewarded for what they do and the love of the instrument which is and always will be there must now go hand in hand, yet people who are involved in Pan still use each other in the most vulgar way, by stealing what little there is. The Donald Trumps of this world have a lot to teach the Pan Fraternity about looking aafter themselves. So what if he did noit keep his promis to Trinbago? Do we really think that people want to come there and invest in anything at all, why should they wwhen all we think of is the next NEGATIVE
I agree with you Sarah-Ann people are far too negative. The power of this story was that our investment was simply one imagining something better for pan. It is amazing that some people can not even do that. I like this piece because if you are going to take Trump seriously you have to take yourself seriously. Things are the way they are now because people have very low expectations. A Trump like figure would bring a totally different outlook and perspective on the steelpan music business.
Here are just a few items which I believe should have been agreed to in order for such an arrangement to be palatable.
1) Guaranteed payment for Panoramas' performances on the night of the event.
2) Provide a stipend to all Members who dedicate a specified limited amount of time to practicing, etc.
3) Provide each Band with a permanent place to practice year round. Should be big enough to accommodate receptions for fund raising or other revenue generating purposes. Bands could share a building without interference of each other's performances. Separate floors in a building could accomplish this.
4) Provide or teach Pan Players how to acquire funding (grants, etc.) for the purposes of keeping the Bands financially solvent. These grants can be set up to place steel pan music in schools, during either their regular schedules or after school programs.
5) Unionize the bands to prevent being taken advantage of anymore.
6) Ensure that each Band will play a specified amount of gigs annually, locally, nationally and internationally.
7) Each Player must have their own instruments at home, in addition to the one they practice with. Tuning of these instruments will be at the Bands' expense.
8) Bands' buildings must be licensed to sell items to raise funds.
9) Tour buses, double deckers, etc., can visit different bands on a pre-arranged schedule to provide increased exposure to the public.
10) Police Department must be instructed to be more cooperative with all Bands, especially during the Labor Day festivities.
I have a few more, but I'm sure others have additional incentives which I'm sure were agreed to, if this information is accurate.
Stephen The Soca Warrior
Host of Telling It Like It Is
This and alternating Mondays 3-6 AM and 99.5 FM in NYC
Sarah-Ann > Stephen HowardDecember 15, 2009 at 6:44am
Excellent and POSITIVE list I must listen to you radio station.
GospelPan > Stephen HowardDecember 14, 2009 at 12:56pm
Hey Steve!!!
Anymore statements like that and everyone on the board will push for you to become the next president of some steel band association somewhere...
Great points, they should be printed out and framed.
all donald trump would bring to the table is a bad hair do and lots of insignificant talk..
If Money is the source of all pans problems then that would be easy to solve but i fear it is a lot more than that..
If for instance the little money pan has goes missing, don't you think that if we had more money, wouldn't that go as well..
The notion of a Trump-like figure involvement ends all romantic notions of what a business enterprise around the steelpan music enterprises really represents. If one can't deal with a 'Trump' figure not only are they not ready for prime time but they should also stay out of the kitchen. The Trump figure exists on both sides of the equation. Again, there is no shortage of pan people who deal with the likes of a 'Trump' figure everyday - particular in New York. They can interact with such every day at work, for example.
Most of what you suggest seems to center around the amateur level. There is nothing wrong with that, but it is a different arena, that is probably better suited for an association with community-based and educational institutions.
Most of the ideas you have are commendable. However, they are not based in economic reality, financial feasibility or fan-based interests. While a steelpan music industry could easily support and welcome hundreds of thousands of players and supporting staff globally (and thereby provide thousands of jobs,) it is not immediately clear which regions/countries could actually support professional franchises - outside of the New York area - simply because of population density, wealth and culture. In reality, how many professional steel orchestras could the Caribbean region actually support? Can they support more than three or four outside of the competition arena in a professional setting?
Think for a moment of the Broadway theatre scenario. How many, and exactly which, steel orchestras could pack a theater, eight shows a week over six days, and for six to seven years non-stop? Moreover, what countries could support such a venture?
There probably is not another country in the world that produces quality baseball players like the Dominican Republic; however the majority of their pro level talent plays in the USA. No country produces quality basketball players like the US. However, in reality there are probably more US professional players in Europe than the US.
Simply put: the steelpan organizations - particularly those in New York - have to take advantage of the wealth of resources that are available to them - right here in the media and financial capital of the world.
Stevie Wonder and others have included the Tenor Pan in their music which were hits on the charts. One of The Grand Master's biggest hits featured Professor Ken Filmore. Not enough Artists have utilized this instrument in their recordings. Most Calypsonians do not even feature this instrument in their club mixes nor the instrumental versions of their hits.
When I first heard Fly Robin Fly by Silver Convention being played on my neighbor's radio while walking home one evening, the introduction sounded like a Tenor Pan, yet they were actually violins. If the Tenor Pan was used as a substitute for the violin, piano, keyboard, guitar, etc., it would play a major role in giving recognition to this instrument, and eventually Steelbands.
When I've produced programs featuring the Steel Pan, Listeners would virtually revisit their honeymoons (on the air) and talk about their wonderful experiences while attending dances with the likes of Pan Am North Stars and Morvant Ebonites. Others would call to share their carnival experiences, or reminisce on the Panorama Competitions and talk about how good it was to jump up in the bands with so many people from different nations.
Not enough Caribbean People (and their offspring, especially Blacks) major in Economics, Business Administration, and Finance, not to mention Artists and Repertoire ( A&R ). Without "degrees" in these areas, it becomes extremely difficult for "Band Leaders, Pan Players, and Promoters" to realize and implement the economic potential which this wonderful instrument could attain.
Only when the Steel Pan can be seen as, and treated as a financial entity, would its true potential be recognized. Sponsorships of Steelbands have provided many with the opportunities to travel and establish themselves abroad. To simply continue treating this instrument simply as a hobby, and not as the musical instrument that it indeed is, would only keep the Steel Pan in a virtual black hole.
As visitors to WST's site know, this beautiful instrument is played around the world, and most of these international players are found in universities. Since it is so internationally accepted, a game plan has to be devised to take it to much greater heights so that it can attain it's true identity as a musical instrument, which can generate "real" economic benefits ($$$) for its players and their families.
A complete game plan I do not have, but I'm willing to engage knowledgeable people in discussions, on 99.5FM in NYC and, to address this most perplexed topic of the true economics of Pan.
I can be contacted at, if you'd like to engage me in some serious constructive Pan conversation on the air.
Stephen The Road Warrior
Will the players not have a union and agents that will negotiate on their behalf just like Tiger, Koby and Beyonce has? Will the Steelband franchises not have an association and lawyers that will look out for their interest?
Will the association not grow and become national to include the hundreds of other steelbands in the United States?
15 minutes from Sonatas panyard is the financial capitol of the world "Wall Street". 20 minutes from the Despers USA yard is the media capitol of the world. The home of CNN, HBO, ABC, CBS, NBS, VH1, MTV and so many others. 30 minutes for Pantonic's yard is Lincoln Center, Madison Square Garden and Radio City to name a few. The entertainment capitol of the world. 40 minutes from the CASYM's yard is the home of the world champion Yankees. We won't mention JZ, FUBU, A-Rod and others zillionares who went to school and grew up with many of these same pan players. The article speaks of New York not Trinidad where the expectations and dynamics are different.
Many of the people who play pan in New York work in these very places in some capacity or another. Many of the young people in these bands have advanced degrees and are in upper management. Indeed are they not doctors, engineers, managers, business people themselves? They are not stupid or lack intelligence. There are no shortage of successful business models, industries and enterprises for them to study.
No more excuses time to grow up!
Do people on this BLOG think that ssomeone of that stature will dabble in the small money that is made now. I think that Mr Trump would bring order, clarity and some sort of stability to that organisation, he would bring sponsors, and a new type of interest as people are curious about anything that a person like him touches , that is what I think that he would bring.
When I was a young woman people played Pan for the love of it, you played Pan for you community flag women waved the the flag with pride( never mind the licks when you got home if you came from a "Good Family")and money was not the first thing. This encouraged a lot of exploitation of the Pan man/woman in later years.
We live in a different world today and people have to be rewarded for what they do and the love of the instrument which is and always will be there must now go hand in hand, yet people who are involved in Pan still use each other in the most vulgar way, by stealing what little there is. The Donald Trumps of this world have a lot to teach the Pan Fraternity about looking aafter themselves. So what if he did noit keep his promis to Trinbago? Do we really think that people want to come there and invest in anything at all, why should they wwhen all we think of is the next NEGATIVE
1) Guaranteed payment for Panoramas' performances on the night of the event.
2) Provide a stipend to all Members who dedicate a specified limited amount of time to practicing, etc.
3) Provide each Band with a permanent place to practice year round. Should be big enough to accommodate receptions for fund raising or other revenue generating purposes. Bands could share a building without interference of each other's performances. Separate floors in a building could accomplish this.
4) Provide or teach Pan Players how to acquire funding (grants, etc.) for the purposes of keeping the Bands financially solvent. These grants can be set up to place steel pan music in schools, during either their regular schedules or after school programs.
5) Unionize the bands to prevent being taken advantage of anymore.
6) Ensure that each Band will play a specified amount of gigs annually, locally, nationally and internationally.
7) Each Player must have their own instruments at home, in addition to the one they practice with. Tuning of these instruments will be at the Bands' expense.
8) Bands' buildings must be licensed to sell items to raise funds.
9) Tour buses, double deckers, etc., can visit different bands on a pre-arranged schedule to provide increased exposure to the public.
10) Police Department must be instructed to be more cooperative with all Bands, especially during the Labor Day festivities.
I have a few more, but I'm sure others have additional incentives which I'm sure were agreed to, if this information is accurate.
Stephen The Soca Warrior
Host of Telling It Like It Is
This and alternating Mondays 3-6 AM and 99.5 FM in NYC
Anymore statements like that and everyone on the board will push for you to become the next president of some steel band association somewhere...
Great points, they should be printed out and framed.
If Money is the source of all pans problems then that would be easy to solve but i fear it is a lot more than that..
If for instance the little money pan has goes missing, don't you think that if we had more money, wouldn't that go as well..