Ralph Banwarie - Trinidad and Tobago Guardian 

A panist of Guaico Prebyterian Primary Scool with "Dr. Liverpool - R. Banwarie photographer

Calypso icon Dr Hol­lis Liv­er­pool better, known as Chalk­dust, says he was missed as a pri­ma­ry school teacher from Nel­son Street Boys’ Government school for teaching calypso in school.

He said he nev­er gave up with his love for ca­lyp­so and he continued with the art­form. He said this is some­thing many peo­ple were not aware of but it is true.

Chalk­dust, who received the Or­der of the Re­pub­lic of Trinidad and To­ba­go (ORTT), the na­tion’s high­est award last month, made this dis­clo­sure at San­gre Grande Re­gion­al Cor­po­ra­tion on Wednes­day where Pink Pan­ther, al­so called Er­ic Tay­lor and him­self were ho­n­oured.

Chalk­dust re­called be­ing asked by the per­ma­nent sec­re­tary in the Min­istry of Ed­u­ca­tion to make an ap­pli­ca­tion to the min­istry if he want­ed to teach and sing ca­lyp­so in school. He said he nev­er ad­here to the re­quest un­til this day.

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  • Mighty Chalkdust - Misconceptions

  • Claude I've never seen a calypsonian who could not  teach art, biology, history,  economics, English, mechanics, law, geography, chemistry, cooking, climate change, current events, morals, common sense and more.

    Claude can you please introduce Mercer to Calypso.  He's suffering from a concussion. 


  • Maybe because you weren't teaching anything else.

    • NOT FUNNY!!

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