The 100 best players (representative players) from each NATION playing ONE TUNE OF CHOICE (any musical genre). A panel of International judges with this TELEVISION BASED EVENT. Each band plays in front of a LIVE LOCAL audience beaming PAN to the WORLD.
LAS VEGAS SPORTS BOOK giving odds!!! Major companies buying advertising!!! Talent Agencies booking the winning band for a WORLD TOUR!!!
Sweet dreams are made of this, who am I to disagree!!!
T&T have to fix their own Steelband ting before they tink about International.
That was Finland, what you all have to say about players in England, Canada and the US? it's not good to go down that street
Cecil: You should get the numbers for CANADIAN STEELBANDS (schools and community bands -- rough numbers) and post it on the forum. Dem fellahs just straighten we out on South African Steelband. Like we go have to put ah AFRICAN STEELBAND and ah SOUTH AFRICAN STEELBAND in this competition.
Ah doh know how dem PAN LEADERS in Trinidad go get a handle on this INTERNATIONAL STEELBAND TING. They just doh understand how this music spreading around the world.
Trinidad got to find a way to produce MORE PANS than they are producing. Oddly enough, KEITH DIAZ and I agree on how this could be accomplished -- but the GOVERNMENT will never want to go down that road.
earl, there are good arrangers in foreign also. Anything PAN is not a "a walk in the park" for T&T anymore.
Published on Mar 4, 2007
Aldwyn "Kitch" Roberts' soca played by Steel Pan Lovers from FINLAND
Nice arrangement, some of the players quite skillful, most had fun and enjoyed their pan.
But althouugh I would give this rendition very good marks., they wouldn't 'come een' in any recent panorama if I was judging.
Dey good. But would you seriously match dem wid a Phase 2? Or a despers or renegades or a skiffle or Starlift -- an I ehn gone down south yet!
Noel you already went down South when you mention Skiffle.
Any country could win, the arranger is key in deciding the outcome.
Cecil as you said any Country / Nation could win but the end of the question clearly stated who you think will win ?.
Earl: Ah lot of people are treating THE PAN as a MUSICAL INSTRUMENT, now. So MUSICIANS who could play THE PAN have a definite advantage if you are talking about PLAYING MUSIC.
Now CALYPSO is a different story. NOBODY in the world could play CALYPSO BETTER than WE ... the MOST EDUCATED MUSICIANS in the WORLD cannot play CALYPSO better than we.
But if the SHOW is about TUNE OF CHOICE -- then is COMPETITION FUH SO!!! Because the judges will have to compare EXCELLENCE in genre against EXCELLENCE in genre.
We may have to have a TIE for first place!!!