"There is a clique that talk BIG and when it's time to walk the Walk, they suddenly have to tie their shoelaces and it may take days to do so."
I myself was told about ONE SLATE that is full of INSTRUCTORS ONLY and nobody from the LEADER DOWN ever gets their hands dirty with function. Their hands are only used for pointing and giving instructions to others. That is the last kind of leadership that we need in PAN TRINBAGO starting November 2018.
We cannot afford to elect an EMPEROR or EMPRESS at this crucial turning point for PAN TRINBAGO.
So the delegates have to go beyond the DRINK AH BEER MENTALITY and give special consideration to HANDS ON, HIGH PERFORMANCE PAN TRINBAGO LEADERS.
Which begs the question: How long does it take MARCUS ASH to tie HIS SHOELACES? If he can do it under THREE MINUTES -- then I supporting MARCUS ASH!!!
Funny enough that you asked that Claude. This pic was me tonight at silver stars.