Trinidad Guardian
Republic Bank Exodus durring their semi-final performance of Superblue’s “ Rag Storm” at the Queen’s Park Savannah, on Sunday.
Four-time Panorama champions Republic Bank Exodus Steel Orchestra has changed their tune of choice for the upcoming Panorama finals, as arranger Pelham Goddard believes the judges are not interpreting his arrangement of Austin "Super Blue" Lyons' Rag Storm the way he would like them to.
Instead, Exodus will now be playing Kees Dieffenthaller's Savannah Grass in the final on March 2.
Exodus will be entering the Panorama finals in the second to last position with 265 points.
They are 14 points behind current leaders and defending champions bpTT Renegades.
Patrick: You are looking at a matter of PREJUDICE and calling it PRINCIPLE!!! Beverley has her own personal political axe to grind with AINSWORTH MOHAMMED (hence EXODUS). So this "change tune issue" gives her the perfect opportunity to PULL HER POWER PLAY and hit him a LOW BLOW.
And I am betting on AINSWORTH MOHAMMED to win this POLITICAL BATTLE.
BEVERLEY should think about the GREATER GOOD of PAN and not push this NUCLEAR PAN BUTTON right in the middle of this PANORAMA FEVER.
Yuh better call up THAT WOMAN and talk to she, boy!!!
And, by the way, I conceded this point (your point) in one of my other postings ("It can be argued that Exodus, if they had played Savannah Grass for the preliminaries") -- but that DOH have nothing to do with this POLITICAL WAR!!!
If yuh doh want to listen to THE PANORAMA -- doh listen!!! But EXODUS (my family band) will be playing "SAVANNAH GRASS" on PANORAMA FINALS NIGHT. Or we are not going to the SAVANNAH and we are going to sue BEVERLEY and PAN TRINBAGO and shut down the WHOLE ORGANIZATION.
Again, unless the adjudicators are judging name and past fame and not the song executed the night in question, the ‘free for all’ concerns are muted. Legislate the rules for future Panoramas if this is as serious as many are making it to be; make amendments as needed to improve the competition. It is only the edged groves of the pan that can pose a risk with interference, not rules. Stipulate, amend and Pan Trinbago won’t have to bend the rules, for or against the unexpected.
"Legislate the rules for future Panoramas if this is as serious as many are making it to be."
Clevoy: You hit the nail on the head!!! We been having PANORAMAS since 1963 and the "change tune issue" has very rarely raised its head. I don't think that there are more than 3 examples -- as I see people scrapping to find some.
So to suggest that the acceptance of a change this year will open a FLOODGATE is demagoguery. Secondly, PAN TRINBAGO is free to fix this rule on ASH WEDNESDAY and end all the NONSENSE.
But what you are really looking at is the TRINIDAD PENCHANT to gravitate to BACCHANAL. And this is BIG BACCHANAL so everybody blood boiling.
When the real progressive issues concerning PAN are presented: Everybody stays quiet. NO BACCHANAL IN DAT!!!
Agree with you 100% - A scandal it is not, free for all it is not. Few bands can do what Exodus is attempting even if they tried. Different if bands were going into the competition with points accumulated from the Prelims. Now the Pan Tabey has escalated to this point, Exodus if they decide to forfeit the new selection, will be going in with a new bump; eyes and ears of those who may not have given them that stare or attention. That now has changed.
Exodus - Rag Storm
"Super Blue was at the Exodus panyard during the preliminary judging and also joined the band on the stage for the semifinal. In the arrangement for the song, Goddard included some of Super Blue's former hit songs including Get Something and Wave. Goddard said he selected Savannah Grass because of how popular it has become."
Does this mean Goddard has lost his ability to work his magic with the tune of choice he selected for PANORAMA???
It was stated the song SG came out LATE this season.
Exodus won the Panorama in 1992, 2001, 2003 and 2004.
Goddard was the arranger in all four wins.
War 2004
Exodus - War 2004 Semi-finals
Exodus - Mama Dis Is Mas
Steelband Bomb Tune...arranger Pelham Goddard 2003.
Pan Trinbago should reconsider their decision, not because of fairness or unfairness, but simply because the Association was not guided by stipulation (written) and therefore it gives the appearance of bias, emotionalism and overreaching. Though I don’t see this as an ongoing problem (exception rather than a norm), use this opportunity as a learning curve, put it in writing/the rules book for next year, then they would have a leg to stand on. On this thing about ‘Finals’ is a new competition, no. Points accumulation may not be considered when going in to the finals but we all know the physiological edge it gives bands and supporters and also influence judges who are trickled by noise.
The band knows the risks; it's their shout.
The rules are silent on this.
Precedence: Both Phase II and Skiffle have done it before (not referenced to this year either).
{Some further research on the exact circumstances of these changes would reveal the 'when' of the change!}
So there should be no fuffle with this!
Remember "Professors" comment that 'Panorama' is really an 'Arrangorama'?
That means it up to the band (players) + the arranger (music) to succeed.
The 'players' are up to it; but will the 'music' be?
Best of luck Exodus. :-)