All over the world, MILLIONS OF PEOPLE just LOVE STEELBAND MUSIC. Ah witness it personally with my own eyes and I also keep READING ALL ABOUT IT. 

Man, if we ever put a halfway decent ADMINISTRATIVE TEAM to run PAN TRINBAGO the SKY could be the LIMIT. But all dem PAN TRINBAGO ADMINISTRATORS could do for PAN is to fight to control the 40 to 20 MILLION DOLLAR$ that the PNM has lined up for them at PANORAMA TIME.

I used to feel that I am the ONLY ONE STRESSING about this SQUANDERED CULTURAL OPPORTUNITY, but as I read this forum I see more and more DEPRESSED SOULS voicing their dissatisfaction. But, of course, the majority is happy with the status quo because it is really more of a POLITICAL THING than a CULTURAL THING for them.

Aquil Arrindell tell me although I is ah OLD MAN he doh want me to DIE TOO SOON because ONE DAY he WILL FIX IT -- watch and yuh go see, he say. But he also tell me that PAN TRINBAGO was going to have ELECTIONS in MAY 2018. So ah think that he LOSS CREDIBILITY with me!!!

Ah warning EVERYBODY that right now ELLIE MANNETTE and ANDY NARELL are working on PERFECTING some PAN SAMPLES and when they release THE PRODUCT it will REVOLUTIONIZE the production of PAN MUSIC. And that is just a SMALL PART of the "CULTURAL APPROPRIATION" that is taking place in the GLOBAL WORLD OF PAN. (Now, because I used that term does not mean that I live on that street -- but that is a different discussion.)

If we had a REAL MINISTER OF CULTURE she would stop "keeping an eye" on the sad situation and pull the plug on THE NONSENSE. But with elections due in 2020, she can't afford to RUFFLE FEATHERS even if it is in the BEST INTEREST OF PAN.

Ah really think that TRUMP should DEPORT ME and send me back to ST. ANNS because I think that THE INSTRUMENT is STILL CRUDE and is DECADES away from ARTISTIC DELIVERY -- Especially that PANORAMA NONSENSE which is NOTHING BUT NOISE!!! So I  must be MAD spending so much time on this forum advocating for A GLOBAL APPROACH TO PAN FROM THE MECCA!!!

Yet. I somehow hold out HOPE for MUSICAL DELIVERY. I must be MAD!!! Especially after listening to that recent HERB ALPERT PRODUCTION.

But being a CALYPSO LOVER, I always find solace in "MY SONG" which I am going to POST UP for ALLYUH!!!

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