I think I have been sitting on the fence too long. My cultural butt's starting to hurt.
Listen folks, I agree we -as a consequence of popular mandate- at the helm of the pan institution need to deeply introspect and retool to carry this great, unique gift of pan forward without dropping it again.
One of the main problems is convincing the foot soldiers in pan to migrate from their comfort zones.
We should not be accepting any handouts for Panorama from our line ministry. We must source our collective testicular fortitude and charge the government of the day a price for the inclusion of Pan in carnival. Or for the year for that matter. My brief tenure (along with Forteau) in the quickly defunct EIDECO -Entertainment Industry Development & Export Company- taught us that pan was responsible for the lion share of USD millions in revenue realized every carnival.
Conversely, I am have burdened myself with developing a radical idea to not even depend on this "smoke & lights" administration. How do you cyberpanlovers react to a "Winners Row" lottery?. I have hinted this to an upper crust central executive officer last year, just to gauge reaction, and as expected I was merely patronized. A lottery -in conjunction with NLCB- can generate millions. Imagine the odds in trying to arrive at the winners and/or the order of appearances from Prelims ti Finals.
But prior to that we must irrevocably divorce our organization from NCC. Let us really produce Panorama and have access to all the seating. Let us rent their Savannah and manage the show -with real marketing and flair- without the specter of NCC hovering above. We garner all blame for Panorama shows but they call all the shots and have learnt to extricate themselves from any pointed fingers.
We can be much stronger pulling together in the same direction. Panorama has significant universal appeal to make the competition global. Then we can have serious debate, not diatribe, on a FIFA model.
Pannicus Maximus!
Elton J.W. Bain
"But prior to that we must irrevocably divorce our organization from NCC. Let us really produce Panorama and have access to all the seating. Let us rent their Savannah and manage the show -with real marketing and flair- without the specter of NCC hovering above."
What are we waiting for? Let Pan Trinbago forfeit the $5 million that the government is going to give it to run next year's panorama and go out there and find investors and sponsors and produce the entire show, sans the NCC. With the global demand for panorama (expressed on this page) we should be able to sell 100,000 DVDs worldwide. With gate receipts and concessions and advertiser's fees plus rights to televison broadcasts locally and around the globe -- Pan Trinbago should be able to generate $12 million ... returning $6000 to the investors and keeping $6 million for the 2013 panorama.
I better wake up before I join the pipedreamers.
Forging any way forward requires precise knowledge of where you are NOW, else you may end up moving ‘backward’. Where exactly are we on these important “Pan” issues that have been raised? Do we know?
In the absence of a moderator, I suggest we list and prioritise the various issues, pick one ...say Panorama or Pantrinbago’s unfinished Orange Grove Hq., and determine its present factual status. We can then explore available options and move towards agreeable solutions.
I truly love the prolific ole talk and the passionate words but in the final analysis they solve nothing until they are subjected to serious methodology that will move each issue towards an acceptable resolution.
With respect and concern for T&T’s Pan - ASW
It is indeed both surprising and apprecited to see a Pan Trinbago official who is not afraid to finally address the pan community directly on this powerful medium. You are to be commended for this Mr. Bain.
I am indeed very happy that Elton has stepped forward and taken the challenge to the Central Executive. I have always articulated (back in the Patrick Arnold Administration) the need for Pan Trinbago to function as a business organization.
The entire organization has to be restructured to allow for this. Focus should be placed on Promotion/Sales/Accountability; qualified business professionals should be hired to run the organization.
The dependency on governmental subsidies should cease. Each member band in the organization must understand the need for the change in approach and the challenges the change will bring. It will not be "business as usual". Financial sacrifices will have to made during the period the organization strives to become self-reliant.
Elton's suggestion centers on "Panorama". This, unfortunately, is a narrow focus on what the organization needs to undertake. Pan Trinbago should be in a position to operate as a viable organization on a year-round basis. I have always said that "Panorama" is the downfall of the organization. While it is the most patronized event on the calendar, the organization does not optimize the financial benefits to be derived if the organization took a business approach to the event. Too much "energy" is spent on the event for the very low financial returns derived. The only winners in the competition are the bands that participate; Pan Trinbago leaves the competition each year still looking for hand-outs. Gone are the days when pannists should participate in an event just be be captured on TV worldwide; with no financial benefits.
For starters; all pannists, if they are not now registered, should be made to register with the organization for a fee. This would go a very long way in instilling in the membership the new approach Hopefully, Elton's statement will trigger a continued discussion on a new approach.
Great Day! Cecil,
Thanks! for taking the baton.
Globalizing the competition: with cities and media engaging in bidding frenzy, Individual countries scrambling to represent their regions; massive merchandizing; widespread franchising etc. for a biennial finals. Will prove to be just a tip of the iceberg. The revenue can spawn many beneficial projects, institutions and subsidiary/supportive industries and would allow Pan Trinbago to comfortably "to operate as a viable organization on a year-round basis". This cannot be just a pipe dream.
"I have always said that "Panorama" is the downfall of the organization."
Panorama is the only equity, I'm in total agreement with Sidd, we have. We cannot be myopic and not explore the wider vista of greater possibilities with this product. Panorama is the train with all the gravy. Panorama (Globalized) will allow us to diversify.
"The dependency on governmental subsidies should cease."
I have already opined that there should be no semblance of a dependency syndrome. "We should not appear to be a collective of mendicants" we should be demanding a proper contract for painting a realistic T&T carnival portrait to attract tourist dollars. We are the most important item in the national entertainment package.
"The only winners in the competition are the bands that participate"
Performing on the Panorama stage is a great rush. The joy of performing was enough for me. I am totally in sync, though with: "Gone are the days when pannists should participate in an event just be be captured on TV worldwide; with no financial benefits". However, the real financial rewards go to the: Tuners, Arrangers, Apparel Suppliers, Transport Contractors,Contract Players and the myriad Bake & Shark and Beer Hawkers.
I am still convinced that a seasonal, dedicated lottery in harmony with NLCB will work. This is not mere whimsy.Your views please.
I read somewhere Kamla said that she would give them the money to finish the building but it would be better if the government finish the building then hand it over. They got money about 3or4 times already to finish that building and they spend all on corn-soup and roti.LMAO!