BE IT ENACTED by the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago as
1. This Act may be cited as the Pan Trinbago (Incorporation) Act? 1986.
2. Pan Trinbago is hereby created a body corporate and has a common seal
3. The aims and objects of Pan Trinbago are as follows:
(a) to promote the development of the steel band movement;
(b) to promote the steel pan as an indigenous cultural art form;
(c) to purchase, take on lease, or otherwise acquire lands, buildings, easements or property real and personal which may be requisite for the purpose of or capable of being conveniently used in connection with any of the objects of Pan Trinbago;
(d) to present, manage, conduct, arrange and organize concerts, competitions, festivals of music and tours and to offer, grant or contribute towards the provision of prizes, awards and distinctions;
{e) to subscribe to, become a member of and to affiliate or co-operate with any other association, incorporated or not, whose objects are altogether or in part similar to those of Pan Trinbago;
(f) to advance and protect the welfare and interest of members of steelbands;
(g) to encourage and to conduct research programs on the steelpan;
(h) to do all such things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them.
Their purpose is to CONTROL the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of DOLLARS given to them by the GOVERNMENT and any other sources.
Almost THREE HUNDRED MILLION poured into the DIAZ-FORTEAU Pan Trinbago administration and then they ended up SIXTY MILLION in debt and OWING THE PAN PLAYERS MONEY.
I am glad to see VALENTINE YOUNG still fighting the battle.
In theory, this is the promise: (f) to advance and protect the welfare and interest of members of steelbands;
Pan Trinbago is not a UNION for PAN PLAYERS/MUSICIANS they the players don't pay PT UNION DUES.
Who Am I? A Breakdown Of George “Sonny” Goddard’s Accomplishments
by George D. Goddard Jr.
Steelband performers in Trinidad and Tobago (steeldrum’s birthplace) since 1950, have been represented by three organizations: the Steelbands Association, the National Association of Trinidad and Tobago Steelbandsmen (NATTS), and (now) Pan Trinbago.
1. This Act may be cited as the Pan Trinbago (Incorporation) Act? 1986.
2. Pan Trinbago is hereby created a body corporate and has a common seal
3. The aims and objects of Pan Trinbago are as follows:
(a) to promote the development of the steel band movement;
(b) to promote the steel pan as an indigenous cultural art form;
(c) to purchase, take on lease, or otherwise acquire lands, buildings, easements or property real and personal which may be requisite for the purpose of or capable of being conveniently used in connection with any of the objects of Pan Trinbago;
(d) to present, manage, conduct, arrange and organize concerts, competitions, festivals of music and tours and to offer, grant or contribute towards the provision of prizes, awards and distinctions;
{e) to subscribe to, become a member of and to affiliate or co-operate with any other association, incorporated or not, whose objects are altogether or in part similar to those of Pan Trinbago;
(f) to advance and protect the welfare and interest of members of steelbands;
(g) to encourage and to conduct research programs on the steelpan;
(h) to do all such things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them.
If Pan Trinbago don't represent the bands/players what's their purpose???
Their purpose is to CONTROL the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of DOLLARS given to them by the GOVERNMENT and any other sources.
Almost THREE HUNDRED MILLION poured into the DIAZ-FORTEAU Pan Trinbago administration and then they ended up SIXTY MILLION in debt and OWING THE PAN PLAYERS MONEY.
I am glad to see VALENTINE YOUNG still fighting the battle.
In theory, this is the promise: (f) to advance and protect the welfare and interest of members of steelbands;
Pan Trinbago never said that it represents the interest of the players.
Pan Trinbago is not a UNION for PAN PLAYERS/MUSICIANS they the players don't pay PT UNION DUES.
Who Am I? A Breakdown Of George “Sonny” Goddard’s Accomplishments
by George D. Goddard Jr.
Steelband performers in Trinidad and Tobago (steeldrum’s birthplace) since 1950, have been represented by three organizations: the Steelbands Association, the National Association of Trinidad and Tobago Steelbandsmen (NATTS), and (now) Pan Trinbago.