Government to audit Carnival

by Laura Dowrich-Phillips - Loop magazine

The Ministry of Community Development, Culture and the Arts is making moves to hire an expert to start the assessment this year.

Speaking to Looptt today, Dr Nyan Gadsby-Dolly. Minister of Community Development, Culture and the Arts, said they are in discussions with someone to take up the mantle.

“It involves looking at tourist arrivals, it involves measuring the tourist spend, whether you do surveys and so on to measure that, it involves looking at hotel occupancy and demographic attendance at shows. It’s a complete spectrum of things to look at and you find someone who can execute the study correctly and in whom, you can invest that confidence,” she explained.

Dr Gadsby-Dolly  said the National Carnival Commission (NCC) has also been invited to make an input into the proposal to get their buy in.

She revealed that the person would be hired within the next week and a report is expected to be generated by March.

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  • AT LAST AT LAST. I was Wondering How Much Longer that Some Government Administration would Have Enough Testicular Fortitude to Do So.  PANORAMA and SOCA MONARCH should be their Main Focus. William Monroe and Pantrinbago. Gutless Parasites who have been Milking Our Economy for their Own Personal Gains for Many Years while they are Receiving Heavy Subsidy from the Government and are not Held Accountable. Politics is Destroying Our Sweet Country. Only In Trinidad can this Spit Happen. I Hope that they are Serious.

  • We hear of these initiatives, but not of their outcomes. Do they assist in policy building? To the naked eye. No!

  • The most important requirement of any audit in T&T is "FIRE EXTINGUISHERS". Doh arsk me to explain nutten.

    • That's because they don't understand the importance of offsite storage facilities and data security.

      • Data security ? That could cause real problems.

  • Ah wake up late!!! Lilian and Evan done post for me already on this topic!!!

  • evan lobo, I don't think anyone ever went to jail for a white color crime in T&T, these people protect each other as they suck the country dry.

  •  and at the end nothing will be done- like all the various commissions of enquiry

  • A survey of carnival visitor spending, how much and for what, has been in place as long as I can remember. The survey is executed in the departure lounge at Piarco and is quite comprehensive.

    What has happened to all those completed forms ?

    As for hotel occupancy, from Luxury suites to broom closets , booked solid every year. 

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