HAPPY NEW YEAR A NEW DECADE BEGINS! The Steelpan Instrument Must be part of the official rendition of the National Anthem of Trinidad and Tobago by 2012.
New Year's greetings to the entire WST panmusic family. May the camaraderie continue for the benefit of the instrument in this 2010, and may the Panorama be even better than previous ones. Pax et Amor.
Blessings and a Happy New Year to each and everyone of WST family as we enter this new decade. May the Steelband fraternity continue to aim for higher heights!!
*****Happy New Year to the Fraternity at 46-48 Duke Street------Trinidad All Stars------May you all continue to be Blessed with Sweet Music.......Large is Large we Smooth Sailing!!!!!!!
Robbie and the Pan Podium Team
An Avid Fan
Pepe Francis and Ebony Steel Band.