How many points are given for presentation in the Panorama? We always only pay attention to the way the band present their music, but I am sure presentation on the stage have a lot to do with it. the way the players move, their colors, etc. I think we need to have Blind Judges instead so they can concentrate on what they Hear and not what they See.

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  • Every Year All Stars Bamboozle  the Judges with their Foolish Theatrics Distracting them With Fire Works - Dancers and Colored Smoke. A distraction from the Recycled Music they Play Every Year. They Get away with it So they Continue to Deceive. True Talk.

    • More showmanship and choreography...less PANmanship. In this event there was no "spirit" of carnival in the judging criteria.

  • Bede, I was discussing the same issue. If 'presentation' includes all the extra bells and whistles, like dancers, confetti etc, then some bands start off at a disadvantage - particularly the foreign bands whose money is already tight because they probably cannot afford to bring 'extra' people to perform, like what we saw with All Stars and Renegades. Truly, one couldn't help but be pleased with the 'choreography' that these bands displayed and I daresay that as a judge, it would be difficult to see this and not be influenced by it to a certain degree. I would therefore be interested in finding out whether or not points were allocated specifically for the 'appearance ' portion of the presentation.

    • Glenda: I guess "GENERAL PERFORMANCE" might include "VISUAL IMPRESSION" including extra bells and whistles -- clothes and dance and props among others. Come back from time to time and share your thoughts with us.

      Maximum Points for Adjudication –

      Every steelband shall be marked on the basis of a maximum of 100 points.

      Adjudication Criteria – Each steelband shall be awarded points for the following categories:-

      Arrangement – a maximum of 40 points shall be awarded under this category

      General Performance – a maximum of 40 points shall be awarded under this category

      Tone – a maximum of 10 points shall be awarded under this category

      Rhythm – a maximum of 10 points shall be awarded under this category.

      Bede investigated this category before and this is what he came up with:

      (1). Interpretation- the ability of the arranger to initially state the composer's intentions and the skill of the steel orchestra in executing the arrangement and all the articulations therein with precision. (2). Dynamics - The effective execution of gradations and contrasting volumes and other musical expressions in the arrangement. (3). Balance - the ability of the band to distribute their instrument on stage so that all aspects of the orchestration of the arrangement will be audible throughout the performance.

      • Claude, thanks for helping to clear up some things for me...sure puts things in perspective. 

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