Take a little bit of time and go through all the newspaper articles (well, as many as you can) that began to surface on WHENSTEELTALKS (and among local news outlets) since this PAN REVOLUTION began. (And I do use the word "REVOLUTION" very loosely.)
(Now I know that Dr. deLight will get vex with me because he thinks I should go find all the articles and bunch them together and bring them on the forum if I want to make a point. But I think that people will have better consciousness if they do their own digging.)
Anyway, then I want you all to pull out all of the quotes, thoughts, reflections, opinions or references to DANE GULSTON during the period.
I think that if you all did this exercise and carefully studied the emotional and ambitious journey that Dane Gulston found himself engulfed in, you will understand where the UPPM (ah think that is the acronym) stands today in the political world of PAN and PAN TRINBAGO.
It is not that tough an exercise because among the many articles he used ONE WORD that summarized the struggle (the failure of the struggle). Find that word (if you want to go the easy route) and you will realize that after the CARNIVAL and PANORAMA -- everything going back to normal and the REVOLUTION IS OVER!!!
I strongly believe if Keith Diaz is replaced, the same garbage will continue. The mindset of trinis is always working for what I can get free or easy.
Well Patrick if you believe if Keith Diaz is replaced nothing will change, then I say its business as usual and as the DOC used to say. SAME KHAKI PANTS.
Earl, boy!!! Ah glad yuh come!!! Now I happen to agree with PATRICK but ah eh say nothing because ah doh want to get in no more trouble for speaking my mind on this forum.
But Earl, you yourself, yuh see all kinda ah people coming on this forum and terrorizing meh and yuh eh even come and stick up for meh. Is ah good thing BERTEL GITTENS come and save meh. And Cecil!!! Cecil does always come to my rescue. But ah doh trust bugs no more because he is encouraging Sarah-Ann to give me a concussion. Could you imagine that? But Sarah-Ann uses such poetic language it eh go bother me.
Earl, boy!!! PANORAMA starting on Thursday (1/19/2017). And once PANORAMA start man doh care about NOTHING ELSE. And when CARNIVAL done -- all PASSION FOR PAN gone!!!
Earl Richards, I do want change for the betterment of pan, but after listening to the youth Dane Gulston and the other chap from Power Stars, convinced me that they don't know what they want either. Too many real issues plaguing the youth today and none mentioned.
Claude Mr Dane Gulston was interviewed on WACK radio this morning and he addressed all issues related to the formation of the Unified Pan Players Movement. He made it know that this was not a selfish cause because he was jealous of PanTrinbago.He is fighting for the betterment of pan and all pan players in T&T. He said that he is an ambassador for pan all over the universe because we all know he is well travelled and extremely talented.He was given good advice in retaining counsel to fight his cause because you have to go through the legal way to move forward. In the mean time Panorama 2017 is on and after the season the fight will continue for a better representation for all pan players.
That is a great report, Arthur!!! If anybody could remove KEITH DIAZ -- I am a supporter. But as Gregory Lindsay just pointed out -- KEITH DIAZ is a devious and wily PAN CRIMINAL. And he understands the socio-politics of T&T better than most people down there.
So it is not going to be an easy battle.
Bertel, I got shit for saying Itwas a bad idea to meet with Pan Trinbago, but looking back one could clearly see the the UPPM leadership was out of their league.
Cecil: You and bugs and Bertel and MERRYTONESTOTHEBONE and Patrick Ramdoo and me is the the only people on this forum who really understand what is going on with the POLITICS OF PAN TRINBAGO. So doh let nobody intimidate yuh. Say what yuh have to say man.
Ah know dem UPPM doh have ah clue!!!
Ah glad Bertel came on and TOLD IT LIKE IT IS!!!
As I said before, Trini's are nine day wonders. Diaz and his gang know this better that Dane and Gregory do. The UPPM was out smarted from the time they were called and decided to go to Pan Trinbago's office behind closed doors. They should have taken someone like Douglas Williams who knows how Diaz and Forteau think and operate inside out, but they didn't. To my mind, they were both too GREEN and politically ambitious, and came out of the meeting looking like ASSES.
So another opportunity for change in the Pan world with Pan Trinbago was missed, and I hope we all, including Dane and Gregory learned the lessons.
I saw where Gregory wrote something about a revolutionary. This was not a revolution by far. It was a BIG SHOW for power! The UPPM gave in and gave up, and left thousands of Pan people disappointed in them and the entire outcome. Revolutionaries dont make excuses, and certainly not the excuses coming from the UPPM after meeting with those CROOKS. What a BIG JOKE! NO BALLS! Where was the fight??
Bertel, Boy!!! Yuh really insult me this morning!!! Yuh say that the REVOLUTIONARIES (UPPM) should have taken someone like DOUGLAS WILLIAMS who knows how DIAZ and FORTEAU think and operate inside out.
Before the UPPM even think about taking DOUGLAS WILLIAMS with them -- they should have contacted ME FIRST and then DOUGLAS WILLIAMS second. Over the years I have gotten into the mind of KEITH DIAZ and spoken in his voice to this forum so that they could better under the TEEFING DEVIL dey are dealing with. But for whatever reasons -- people choose to misconstrue my postings.
Man I thought I was the only one on this forum who was TOO DUMB to understand the REVOLUTIONARY strategies that were being implemented to remove Diaz. I thought everyone else had the clear vision and I was just stupid.
But after reading your post right now -- ah have to think that I wasn't really so wrong and that dem fellahs eh no REAL REVOLUTIONARIES like dey quoting for me.
THANKS PARDNER -- AH FEELING BETTER NOW. But make sure somebody call me and DOUGLAS WILLIAMS before the NEXT MEETING in 2020!!!