In a land where bacchanal and confusion is political currency, PanTrinbago is incapacitated by the Need to review its Constitution, as advised by the High Courts, yes we need professionals, however who will leave their good jobs to take up these posts, which are for a three year period maximum? In addition, the organization is insolvent, buss, has no money to pay prizes, too many debts, no business or government will put money in such an organization. Pan Trinbago is a bad word out there. We must be the laughing stock of the International Pan World which is moving forward. Enough said
He know that there is a power struggle and he tell dem to go and sit down and WORK THINGS OUT. Yuh see the cultural divide? Dem desperate men more likely to KILL EACH OTHER over that PAN TRINBAGO pot of gold than to work together TO GET PAN TO PROGRESS.
That is like when ah little ghetto boy go in front of the judge for the first time and the LIBERAL JUDGE tell his mother that he is sending him home with her this time but he wants her to keep a close eye on him. Two weeks later the boy gone and rob and kill some law abiding innocent person.
DOCTOR DOLLY should just dissolve that CORPORATION and send everybody home. RETHINK and RECONSTRUCT the organization. And I know that ROWLEY is a PAN and CALYPSO LOVER -- he is the PRIME MINISTER he could step in and CALL FOR SOME ORDER. He controls the purse strings and that is the source of all the infighting.
In a land where bacchanal and confusion is political currency, PanTrinbago is incapacitated by the Need to review its Constitution, as advised by the High Courts, yes we need professionals, however who will leave their good jobs to take up these posts, which are for a three year period maximum? In addition, the organization is insolvent, buss, has no money to pay prizes, too many debts, no business or government will put money in such an organization. Pan Trinbago is a bad word out there. We must be the laughing stock of the International Pan World which is moving forward. Enough said
He know that there is a power struggle and he tell dem to go and sit down and WORK THINGS OUT. Yuh see the cultural divide? Dem desperate men more likely to KILL EACH OTHER over that PAN TRINBAGO pot of gold than to work together TO GET PAN TO PROGRESS.
That is like when ah little ghetto boy go in front of the judge for the first time and the LIBERAL JUDGE tell his mother that he is sending him home with her this time but he wants her to keep a close eye on him. Two weeks later the boy gone and rob and kill some law abiding innocent person.
DOCTOR DOLLY should just dissolve that CORPORATION and send everybody home. RETHINK and RECONSTRUCT the organization. And I know that ROWLEY is a PAN and CALYPSO LOVER -- he is the PRIME MINISTER he could step in and CALL FOR SOME ORDER. He controls the purse strings and that is the source of all the infighting.
The judge could have ordered an election in 60 days and put all this commess to rest.
Yuh blaming THE INDIAN JUDGE, Cecil?
Ah put up a post asking WST to give me permission to express myself bluntly long before the JUDGE GAVE HIS 14 page judgement.
The issue was not about THE ELECTIONS!!!
Can't argue with your assessment.