Invaders rocked Town with their Bomb tune Merry Widow Waltz, Steelbands played both their Panorama and a Bomb tune for Finals Carnival Sunday night. The Band that won Panorama and the other Band that won Bomb that night did not win the Jouvert morning Bomb. Which Steel Orchestra won the Bomb Competition that Jouvert Morning and what Year did this all happen ?
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And the test piece was Is Paris Burning. I agree that Invaders was wicked with Merry Widow I caught them coming up Henry St from Independence square that jouvert morning, and it was the first time and the last time I took a jump with any band other than the great Trinidad All Stars. It was that compelling.
1967 Cavaliers Won Panorama with "67", Tripoli Won the Bomb with "Theme from Paganini",Highlanders Won Jouvert Morning Bomb with "Italania in Algiers",