Seeing that Desperadoes is the "winningest" steelband in T&T do you think they should be invited to make a "Guest Appearance" at the International Panorama?
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Cecil…why you and Valentine so?….the "criteria" for selection is 12 foreign bands plus the top 6 large finalists, the top 4 medium finalists, the top 2 small finalists locally…if the people want a guest artiste they will bring Machel or Bunji...
LOL. Merry Tones. You Seem to have no Respect for Our Panorama Icon. Whenever You Say Panorama just Say Despers. All these Foreign Bands would be Glad to even Play on the Same Stage as Despers. Are You going to Deny them That. Take a Survey of the General Public and see how much People will Support the Idea of Having them Play as Quest Artiste. They are not Competing with Anyone. They would be there to Entertain All. Desperadoes is the Best Known Steelband in the Entire Universe. Ah Gone.
On the contrary Val…it is because of my love and undying respect for Despers that I spoke as I did…If I were the present captain of Desperadoes nobody couldn't offer me a guest appearance at a competition that I not qualify for….but that is just me talking…and I'll tell you for free…the general public doesn't care one fart about panorama at carnival time…you think anyone beside a few pan people and us on this discussion board really care about the proposed International Panorama?…If they say Fayann and Bunji or Destra is guest artiste they stand a better chance of breaking even on the venture….doh even think about a sell out crowd...
I spoke to a former Desperadoes front-line performer this past Saturday... Who informed me that THE BAND WAS ASKED
TO GUEST ARTISTE [for a fee]-'' But turned it down''. Dont know how true that is but ... Remember folks: Desperadoes is the ''GOAT.
If this is TRUE then SUSAN might be right about the forum!!! Check it out some more and come back and tell us.
I find they should invite Merry Tones too…we were in the first ever Panorama held in 1963….what allyuh say to dat?...
OK merrytones, they should invite allyuh too. was Sony Ottley ever an arranger in this band?
not to my knowledge…who is he?...
Ah was looking for a good PARALLEL EXAMPLE and you just provided it!!! THANKS!!!
There is no parallel example because of Despers. record.
Cecil…why you and Valentine so?….the "criteria" for selection is 12 foreign bands plus the top 6 large finalists, the top 4 medium finalists, the top 2 small finalists locally…if the people want a guest artiste they will bring Machel or Bunji...
LOL. Merry Tones. You Seem to have no Respect for Our Panorama Icon. Whenever You Say Panorama just Say Despers. All these Foreign Bands would be Glad to even Play on the Same Stage as Despers. Are You going to Deny them That. Take a Survey of the General Public and see how much People will Support the Idea of Having them Play as Quest Artiste. They are not Competing with Anyone. They would be there to Entertain All. Desperadoes is the Best Known Steelband in the Entire Universe. Ah Gone.
On the contrary Val…it is because of my love and undying respect for Despers that I spoke as I did…If I were the present captain of Desperadoes nobody couldn't offer me a guest appearance at a competition that I not qualify for….but that is just me talking…and I'll tell you for free…the general public doesn't care one fart about panorama at carnival time…you think anyone beside a few pan people and us on this discussion board really care about the proposed International Panorama?…If they say Fayann and Bunji or Destra is guest artiste they stand a better chance of breaking even on the venture….doh even think about a sell out crowd...