There are so many conflicting narratives even though we had (and still have) live eyewitnesses to this very recent history. Sometimes you get the feeling that every EGO wants to be THE ONE to tell the tale and dismissal of all other voices has become the norm.
One highly respected contributor to pan history stated that Trinidad and Tobago must surely have the most backward set of people producing information on the pan movement.
So are we reading backwardness and treating it as PAN GOSPEL?
Winston, I will open up another post for you
Greetings Brother Winston: One of my fundamental teaching tool is to have fun while teaching. I have always made Education a fun thing for my students. As such, I always had a packed classroom. When Glenroy of Naps spoke about De Dom using mercenaries I thought that was funny so I used the same concept in my response to you about mercenary panmen. I did not mean any harm to you my bredren except to throw in some picong in there. While growing up in De Bush I heard only of Southern Marines In San Fan and also thought that this was the only big band in San Fan; we forgot about the others since they were to us, small fries. The same thing happened in Point; we knew of Tropical Harmony and Silver Harps. When I mentioned that there were 12,000 members on this board, I was hoping that they will step up and take the suggestion from Brother Claude and publish their stories as well. According to Brother Claude, there has to be well over a 1000 stories that still have to be told and why not have them write as was suggested. i have sent two members a book on how to publish their works. He was also correct when he mentioned that we should have some civility here on the Board regardless where you came from. I am not from Behind the Bridge but I am also proud of the accomplishments that came from there. I am also proud of my extended family's contributions on this board regardless if they are Indian, African, Spanish, Local White, or of a callaloo /pelau combination. Or whether they have a college degree or not. My only selfish reason is to assist those pan folks who are in desperate need so that they would never become another victim as my home boy Allan Gervais. Guidance Dr. Lance
So right Dr. Lance!!!
Peter Sardinah (and his brother Robert) have a story!!! Leroi Boldon has a story (probably the best story)!!! Val Serrant has a story!!! Robert Greenidge has TEN stories. Salah Wilson has FIVE stories!!! Anthony Lalgee has a story!!! Val Serrant has a story!!! Glenroy have ah story!!! Gons have ah real good story!!!
I need not go on!!!
But so many informed people read and never post because of abusive incivility and intimidation.
(I could never conceal my comedic edge, but me and Cecil eh have NO STORY.)
My advice to you, Dr. Lance, is to collect these stories and publish them since you have the publishing infrastructure in place ... I go make up ah story!!!
LEROI BOLDON died without documenting his story ... and that really BREAKS MY HEART.
I begged WHENSTEELTALKS to pursue his story ... but they never did. Even though me and THE BOLDON brothers never did get along -- I stand for the documentation of PAN HISTORY and LEROI BOLDON had one fo the BEST STORIES and made contributions to ALL STARS STEELBAND that someone else should docuent before all THE OLD HEADS DIE!!!
Aye Claude,
Wey yuh talkin bout I ain't have no story? talk bout yuh self boi, ah doh know what my story is yet but hopefully I'll find out soon, everyone has a story.
This is your Story Cecil, enjoy,
Bede: Doh trust Cecil, boy! The man come today on the forum and say that he DISCOVER Salah and all the new music Salah doing and he is Salah number supporter.
When is you and me who was clapping for Salah first.
Cecil eh have NO STORY!!!
A lot of Pan history was distorted because Lord Kitchener never really did any research before He wrote the Calypso "Winston Spree'. A lot of people distorted it for selfish reasons.When you listen to some of the old timers you will hear something much different to what we are presently hearing now. I fault all these previous Governments that never think that it was important to document the evolution off Pan. All the Pioneers will die and still we will not know the truth. Neville Jules -Tony Williams and Eli Manette and a few others who are still around who can clear up this distortion of our Pan Historic Facts.