When you see Carnival Videos of T&T Carnival the first thing you see is Panty and Bra Mas players for hours and hours  wining down the place as if they are having sex and little or no video air  time given to Steelbands playing pretty MAS like Indians. Sailors  Africans. etc. etc. WHY is LITTLE  or no  AIR TIME given to the Steelbands by the MEDIA on  CARNIVAL DAYS. ?.

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  • I hear you all, but it comes down to {ratio/proportion} Today it is 90% : 10%, and we are the 10% (lol)

  • Mr. Richards: I like all your topics.

    SEX SELLS!!! 

    DEE JAYS run STEELBAND out of town decades ago. All the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put STEELBAND MUSIC on the ROAD AGAIN. 177 STEELBANDS in PANORAMA: How many on the road for CARNIVAL? You list a handful in your other post and make it sound like 100.

    Mr. Richards: If I explain to you how CARNIVAL deteriorated into that wining vulgarity I will get run off this forum. So I have to leave that part of your post alone. The sun rises and sets on everything thing; panty and bra mas will go out of fashion eventually.

  • The money machine that's pushin carnival is anti steelband and they use the media to promote their premium all-inclusive, paid for in U.S. dollars.

    Dis is what's called CARNIVAL MAFIA.

  • Couldn't agree more.

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