Jonathan Scales Comes to Brooklyn for Pantonic Steelpan Music Fall Classic Concert
Pantonic Breaks The Mold - taking Chances - Making Change
Brooklyn, NY - He sat there fixated on the artist’s performance on the stage. Deciphering every note, every nuance. Storing it away for safe-keeping for when it will reveal itself for further processing, influence or usage in the future. This young Tonic has that ‘look.’ You know the look - the one that makes you say - “This one has the potential to be something very, very special in Pan if only he or she stays focused.” It’s that look we (When Steel Talks - WST) have seen before in the likes of a young Sheldon Elcock years ago, an Iman Pascall, Jehlani Fernando, Khan Cordice, Sade Constantine and of course we saw it in a then-very young Andre White. More on this particular young Tonic prospect at another time. Today, however, the story is on this young artist that is having so much impact on this next generation of steelpan musicians. It is recording and performing artist Jonathan Scales.
He is, as most of us know by now, a steel panist who brings his very own special brand of music and thought-process to the steelpan music genre (check the WST review of Jonathan Scales).
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