High Court Judge Kevin Ramcharan on Friday night ruled in the band’s favour after its attorneys filed an injunction on Friday afternoon against Pan Trinbago who told the band that it could not change its song at this juncture.
Exodus on Tuesday announced that it was switching to Kes the Band’s Savannah Grass after entering the competition with Superblue’s Rag Storm.
“It has been settled in our favour,” Exodus manager Ainsworth Mohammed told Loop following court proceedings.
Though he said he felt good, Mohammed said it was a sad day for pan because the situation should not have reached that far.
Views: 1933
Not a good look but this is just the first of many missteps I see coming/
I've said this before many times, PanTrinbago need someine with PR and Marketing skills to run this organization.
The days of electing someone from one steelband to run an organization that should represent all steelband interest is past.
Get with the program and rise to 21st century standards.
But it lkoks like we will continue fighting for scraps while the rest of the world "eat we kakada".,
It was too simple a situation to escalate into courtroom comess. From the courtroom to the Savannah Grass....leh dem play and may the best band win.
What if exodus come and win the panorama,What will the other band be thinking.
It would be fair, because each band would be judged on ONE song and it's arrangement.
When yuh LARGE yuh LARGE, respect to Nightingales and much RESPECT to Tropical All Stars having resources counts...
13. The skill and competence of arrangers who with the guidance of the adjudicators comments, re-tailor their arrangements to suit.
Exodus had previously played Austin “Super Blue” Lyons’ Rag Storm for the preliminary and semifinal of this year’s Panorama competition. The band placed second to last after the semifinal with 265 points, 14 points behind current leaders and defending champions bpTT Renegades.
Mohammed said arranger Pelham Goddard has so far completed three minutes of the arrangement so far. An arrangement for the final is eight minutes long.
“It’s not fully arranged yet. We are about three minutes there but we are going to be there over the weekend. We will work all night tomorrow and all day Sunday and by the end of Sunday I am sure we will be near to seven minutes,” he said.
Trinidad All Stars - Large is Large
Correction, I meant Tropical Angel Harps
2019 Panorama Prelims South Large Bands(Nightengales) [Make a $$contribution to Pan Trinbago]
That is good news for me, and for Panorama! I always wanted some good band to take on Savannah Grass, one of the best songs offered. Exodus must work hard to polish up something that sets the crowds and judges jaws agape! I hope they do it right, love the Renegades but I want them to earn it, not just walk away with the win! Give them the Bomb tune, Exodus...yuh only got one chance!!
Buccaneers take the cutlass and didnt complain. You in the finals and want to change song. Smfh!!