On the eve of Steelbands biggest show on earth I will like to wish all the bands best of LUCK, I say Luck because for the last couple of years Pan People through-out the world did not feel that the best band won, what we saw was a Bias toward a certain type of arrangment and felt that it was not in the best interest of Pan. In this era of Social Media the Pan World is focus on Panorama final nite, we hope that excellence will be rewarded, thus bringing an end to feeling of hoplessness in the judging. We are looking foward to the day when arrangers will bring their best music to the table and have no fear that they will be judged on the merit of their work.
The Pan World Is Judging The Judges.
PS. To all the people that felt that Deltones should not have made the final cut, sorry, I think the judges made a wise decision, Zanda did an excellent job, their music is beautiful, those Drums are haunting, I will not be surprise if they end up close to the top.
Would the inclusion of retired(?) arrangers as Panorama Judges improve (or further bias) the outcome?
We could jump high, we could jump low Pan is to be judged by a lot of things that the average naked eyes and mind don't usually pick up, it's Arrangement, Tonal quality, Execution, Cord structure, Timing and a lot more that we don't associate with what they would call a classic rendition, what the public has to make clear is........ did some of the judges went home Panorama finished after 2 am,......... and why did the favorite or most favorite didn't make it.
I have no problem with the judges decision, they usually look and focus on things that we don't really listen to, most of us come to Panorama to support the band we love. I think with sponsor's help, which is so important and Pan Trinbago, lets go back to a South Panorama, an Island wide Panorama and a Tobago Panorama, with Tobago judges judging South and so on..... there is a lot of things that needs to be changed, especially with the judging and the Greens, but we have to face reality there is no money to go all the way around.
Maybe they should have bands qualify for finals, then make Finals a People's Choice instead of judges?
Just thinking outside the box!
Glenroy I think that we will still have a problem with Peoples Choice because the popular bands have more suporters, It is even more difficult for a not too popular band to win.
Good point, Cecil.