Well its that time of year again and we are all very excited rooting for the steelband that we love. PANORAMA the biggest steelpan event that all pan lovers come out for where steelpan is KING. With the new normal over the past recent years being that there is a big PARTY going on behind the NORTH STAND while PANORAMA is in full swing, I think that if they keep adding to that party and it continue to grow as it is, I am afraid that the Party will get bigger than the PANORAMA. As David Rudder said today on FB "Is anybody going to the Panorama pool party? There's live entertainment from soca artistes and there's also live pan action on the side."
I do think that pantrinbago came up with a very good idea by doing this as it has become a ca$h cow and will also bring the non pan lovers out to a pan event BUT ......{pan is not the main thing}
I also think that it is a very good way to bring steelpan back into the party, in this case its really bring the party into steelpan BUT .......{panorama is not the main thing in the case}
Please everyone remember is all about the DOLLAR$ ... does not matter what is right, people always follow the dollars Pantrinbago is no different.Between the soca artistes Panorama will run. lol lol lol lol
I will not say anything about the kind of instruments they use in the party behind the north stand. have we not talked about this on WST already ? I guess WST everybody listen.
Too much energy is being spent on panorama, THE MAIN THING MUST BE STEELBAND ON THE ROAD. Panorama is responsible for the steelband being where they are today.
Cecil you're on the ball again, totally agree. Time to get pan far away from big trucks.
patrick any country in the world could have a parade with almost naked women, how many could do it with a steelband? The steelband is what make our carnival different.
Cecil I understand trinis love they panorama and the music from their favorite band, but I just don't understand why they accept pan on truck on carnival Monday and Tuesday. I get a headache thinking about this.
Patrick: What wrong with you, boy? It have truck in CARNIVAL all over the world.
Claude, all over the world is a joke to trini carnival. They all have to leave and pack-up before six o clock in the evening. And trinis copy the truck ting, not realizing the truck is to get the pan off the roads quickly. Hence the reason why mas bands in Trinidad love pan on truck soooo much. These bands don't want to see a steelband in front of them. If pan on truck no problem, we all moving fast.
patrick,One guy told me that is the modern thing, ah next one said young people don't want to walk and beat pan, what ever the reason if they don't take the pans off them floats the steeband as we know it will surely die. They have to go back to pulling [not pushing] the pans and most of all don't try making the steelband like a music band.
Cecil, this is a project. Trinis don't like to think, they like everything ready-made and. This can be a nice research project. I am sure if Rodolph Charles was alive he would find a way to have pan on the roads without pan on big truck(noise,smoke, injuries) and also design something so man can have these pans moving on the road effortlessly. Cecil the best steelband to get into jouvert morning is single-pan or pan round the neck. Its the best, a huge difference, try and experience this today, it will remind you of the 70's and 80's.
Will try it when next I'm in T&T for carnival.