Prime Minister Dr. Eric Williams takes in a practice session at the Desperadoes panyard with leader Rudolph Charles at his side (Government Information Services via the Digital Pan Archive)
Trinidad and Tobago - “I must say performing on a Panorama stage is the most invigorating experience. I feel such a thrill - like there's an energy running through my veins the second the stick touches the p
Trinidad & Tobago, W.I.- Miranda has traveled the world over as a member of the legendary Desperadoes Steel Orchestra. She embodies all the characteristics of a great panist - talent, intellect, disc
Songwriters: GEORGE, DON / COLE, NAT KING Sittin' by de ocean Me heart, she feel so sad Sittin' by de ocean Me heart, she feel so sad Don't got de money To take me back to Trinidad
Global- Thirty years ago today, Laventille’s Rudolph Charles shuffled off this mortal coil and went out in style - a glam funeral service, his soul encased in the Chariot pans he invented and three religions vying for meager p
Texas, USA- She is both a respected tuner, builder and player. She has lived and experienced the challenge of Trinidad Panorama and the US school system. In an e
New York, USA- “When I was about 6 years of age my grandmother would take me to the panyard where my uncle would practice. That’s when I became aware of steel pan and its culture. I didn’t actually st
Virginia, USA- “Whatever you pursue, it is your journey. Take the opportunities as they present themselves. Don't spend too much time in looking backward but look forward to how you can transform you
She is one of the most important figures in the history of the North America steelpan music movement. She is the first woman to ever lead a steel orchestra to a major Panorama victory.
“...never forget that being a woman, first and foremost, makes us special; and despite contrary belief, we do not have to act like men in order to be respected and gain success in the industry. Do every
United Kingdom- She is simply ready and can-do! Bringing the the full package to the table - administrator, organizer and musician Debi Gardner talks about her
Indiana, USA - “....Playing with others who play steel pan is really where I find my true happiness, whether it is a duo or a small group of steel pan players, or a band in Trinidad...”
A voice with uncommon beauty spoke to her years ago. It was i
Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - “Her vision for Pan - “For the national instrument to be treated as such, for pan men and women to be secured after retirement, for steelpan to reach as far as being featured o
Xalapa, Mexico- “...everything else, is played in a different way, and that makes steel pan really more interesting. Movements you make playing this instrument reminds me of practicing tai-chi... Pan
“I would love for the instrument to be as mainstream as the piano, guitar or violin. It may have a ways to go, being a fairly young creation, but I believe pan can progress, develop and infiltrate music of all
China- A chance meeting has developed into an intense love affair with the steelpan instrument, art form and culture. As a member of Planet Pan of Maine and Exodus Steel Orchestra of Trinidad, Xiaoto
St. Lucia, W.I. - “Playing steelpan promotes positive self-expression, and it also has the potential to build self-confidence as players tend to see their skills im