Trinidad & Tobago- She is one of a select few panists where only a ‘first name’ is needed for instant recognition, anywhere in the world of Pan. In an exclusive interview with When Steel Talks, Candice
“...funding is the most serious issue. Pan is hard work - talent or not - and most times the reward for playing pan can never compensate for the long nights on your feet or the 6-7 days of practice jus
Global - Her passion for Pan is obviously without question. She developed a natural affinity for pan and music at a very early age. That love and passion has taken her to the heights of the arts and education. In an exclusive interview with When St
“Ahh, the glorious 10 minutes. It’s a feeling like no other. Indescribable. When you’re on stage and the lights hit, you instantly start sweating. Your arranger starts the count, your h
“...I wish I would have understood fuller it would be people’s unwillingness to accept that change is coming. As a woman I’ve had to fight a lot of misogyny and sexism throughout my entire musical career and that’s just to have a spot at the table. I
Tokyo, Japan- “After our Panorama performance, I listened to the final result on the radio at the Desperadoes panyard. I didn’t understand English well but when I saw everyone bubbling over with joy,
Trinidad & Tobago, W.I.- “I will always have a passion for steelpan because it is engrained in my DNA. It is an incredible art that was created out of brillian
Massachusetts, USA - “...People are just amazed at what comes out of the pan, they want to know if you can play all types of musical keys, they check underneath to see where is all that sound is coming from...” -- Debra “Sista Dee” Sarjeant
“To the young female panists reading this who are dreaming of becoming involved with the steelpan as a career I say, “Yes, please do. There is room for you.” I think the only limitations on steelpan start with the individual holding the views. Don’t
Toronto, Canada- She fell in love with the steelpan instrument and the power of pan at an early age. She is a founding member of Pan Fantasy Steelband. In an exclusive interview with When Steel Talks
The legendary Hugh Borde - Pan Pioneer, Panist, Arranger, Educator & Performing Artist passed on February 18, 2020 -click for more- See what folks are saying
The legendary Mr. Jules has passed on February 18, 20
IT COMES as no surprise to me that the recent revelations about the record collection of the late Queen Mum has indicated the royals spend their evenings behind palace doors dancing to black music.
Your record collection says a lot about who you ar
Released in 1981 on the Charisma label, The Desperadoes, known throughout the world simply as the grey album, is considered the finest steelpan music recording ever by many. The impact of this release is still influencing steel orchestras all over th
Carnival 2021 came and went. There is a tremendous amount of potential for us as a nation if we can learn from the experience. Here are my thoughts and suggestions
Still sounding awesome 17 years later to the day. Thank you Mr. Marcano and the late Dr. Samaroo for always providing access wherever we met - Antigua, New York, Trinidad & Tobago...
Just Listen ! From a Friday night many moons ago...
Global -He was the blueprint for successful steelband leadership. George Goddard, one of the early leaders of the Steelbands Association, was awarded the Trinidad & Tobago Humming Bird Medal Gold posthumously for his contribution to the development
"Through his body of work and the decades he spent touring the world, he touched and inspired the lives of millions," Chick Corea's family wrote in a statement following his death on February 9th.
New York Pan Stars performs Chick Corea's classic "Spain" at Pantastic Friday 2014 in Brooklyn New York at Volume II. click to read full story