We won an award last night for BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY at Music Video Asheville! Huge thank you to Daniel Judson, the director for visually bringing my music to life. A big thanks to all the actors, musicans, & crew involved in making this short film ha
So far we have YOUR THREE and ONE from WHEN STEEL TALKS. I am adding SALAH WILSON and Robert Greenidge and Lawford Dupres and Ken Lawrence and Courtney Leiba!!!. Merrytonestothebone added Rudy Smith and Othello Molineaux and Sonny Blacks and Salmon C
If you go around the PAN CHAT FORUMS you will see hundreds of PAN LOVERS talking about PAN in the SIXTIES and SEVENTIES and a little bit in the EIGHTIES.
It is very unlikely that you will see too many people talking about PAN in the FORTIES; and just
AFTER a successful seven-year partnership in which Duvone Stewart brought victory after victory to Pan Elders steel orchestra, the arranger and the band have parted ways.
The southern pan fraternity reacted with surprise yesterd
According to the Trinidadian writer and broadcaster Isaac Fergusson, “Even politicians were afraid of Sparrow and what he would reveal about them in a song. Until he came along, most calypsonians were semi-professional. People paid them with rum and
Trinidad and Tobago- She is one the foremost critical thinkers of our time - always bringing a sober and honest voice to the conversation. An ardent support
“...my main role is to be a mentor, a leader, an organiser and a role model for the entire band. I think it’s very important to have women in lead roles, because this encourages girls and young women to express themselves and take on an active role.”
“ I would be in school and zoned out during class because I was playing my imaginary bass with my hands and humming songs that I knew in my head. It was as though I became addicted and it was then I knew that pan will be something that I would love f
Guaico Presbyterian Steel Orchestra during their winning performance
The Honourable Anthony Garcia, Minister of Education followed, and who—while praising the art form, the event that would unfold throughout the day, and especially the young
Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A.- “Steel pan has become a part of who I am. The sound is my heart beat, it is something I will never attempt to try and live without
New York, U.S.A.- “I would say “Go for it and give it all you have!” If you’re passionate about something, you will give it your all and not let anything or anyone come in between you and your dreams. I am the pl
London, U.K. - “Pan links everybody together from all over the world and to know I have family in Trinidad, Japan, and Guadeloupe amongst other places, makes me know