Dortmund, Germany- “I’m lucky to be born in a city, which can by now be called, “The steel pan stronghold of Germany.” The first steel pan association in Dortmund was founded in 1995 and a pan-round-the-neck band was pa
Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - Pan Elders Steel Orchestra has made it six consecutive championships in the medium band category, together with arranger Duvone Stewart - in the 2019 Panorama.
Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - This was not just a legal loss in the courts, it was also a severe “beat-down” for the new Pan Trinbago executive in the eyes of the public. They were savaged and severely criticized for
1. Winston “Gypsy” Peters – When Elephants Fight 2. Brian London – Who To Call 3. Heather MacIntosh – Take Over 4. Lesley Ann Ellis – Yuh Wanna Fight 5. Karen Eccles Thomas – She Still Have To Wait 6. Terri Lyons – Woman 7. Alicia Richard
Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - The top fourteen small steel orchestras out of the thirty that made it into the semi-finals - now advance to the Final round of the Trinidad & Tobago National Panorama 2019 competition. The finals unfold on February 28.
Medium bands semi finals positioning: 1. Curepe Scherzando 2. Sangre Grande Cordettes 3. Couva Joylanders 4. Melodians 5. Pan Elders 6. St. Margaret's Super Stars 7. San City 8. Pamberi 9. Power stars 10. Valley Harps 11. Katzenjammers 12. S
Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - What do Panorama 2019 and the International Labour Organisation’s (ILO) obsession with “the future of work” have in common? Everything. There he goes again, you say: “Pan–the greatest thing we do” and all
Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. -Unlike its senior counterpart (the National Panorama), the 2019 Junior Panorama registered an increase in the number of participants for this year’s competitions.
A total of 60 junior steel orchestras attached to Primary an