THIS is an open letter to the Minister of Arts and Multiculturalism Winston "Gy
Due to the positive input from WST membership, I believe that it is important to give an update on this Forum especially since I am still in Trinidad.
First of all one of the main objectives of the Petition was to ge
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Global - Okay folks, now that the dust has settled from Panorama 2011 in Trinidad and Tobago, it is time for When Steel Talks (WST) to officially thank everyone for a fantas
Southern Marines Steelband Foundation’s 2011 Panorama season was a success when compared to the last four years. After a long drought a little rain came. We were able to come into the National Small bands Panorama finals, and place third out of eleve
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Pan in danger, sang Merchant in 1985. Today, 26 Panoramas later, it seems danger still exists.
Apparently panmen in Trinidad are fuming over being drowned out by the big music trucks in the recently concluded Carni
Read more…More Panorama 2011 Notes by Dalton Narine
Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - Now that I can see things more clearly since eye surgery, allow me to avail readers with more material from the 2011 Panorama. And, yes, I trust my ears.
Raf Robertson, musician
Read more…400 Questions & Answers On Pan
1960 — Present
“400 Questions & Answers On Pan” is a rich resource that connects the threads between the history and accomplishments of the steelpan movement and its people.
Often, many of us wistfully wonder out lou
Originally printed at
March 19, 2011
THIS is an open letter to the Minister of Arts and Multiculturalism Winston "Gy
Panorama - the misunderstood carnival event. Panorama judging -the misunderstood adjudicating. Panorama judges-the misunderstood musical judges. Panorama criteria- the misunderstood loss of points system. Panorama musical genre- The misunderstood g
Read more…Observations about Panorama 2011
by Jeannine Remy
Trinidad & Tobago - ....The south stands were full of people who waited in anticipation for the large bands and all of their splendour. Never before have I attended a panorama final with so much co
An Inside View of the Small Band Panorama Season 2011
by A Eric Mc Allister
Trinidad & Tobago - I wonder if even Pan Trinbago Officials were prepared for the quality of music they got at the Larry Gomes Stadium because if they were, I doubt they
After a horrendous performance in 2010 for the national panorama in Trinidad and Tobago,video production and post-production company Advance Dynamics stepped up to the plate and delivered a quality product in its live internet broadcast of the event.
Read more…Congratulations to Trinidad All Stars - 2011 Large Band Conventional Category
click for Panorama 2011 Results: Large Band category -
Read more…My Take Panorama 2011
by Leon Thomas
Global - There is a lot of good music being played. Bands in the Small and Medium category are making extreme and positive strides. However, the Large Bands have maintained their descent towards mediocrity. This y
Last evening’s event at the Larry Gomes Stadium Car Par, Arima, also f
Read more…Much respect to Renegades Steel Orchestra for standing for justice and it players. Regardless of how this injusction against Pan Tribago goes, I will always have the utmost respect for them. It is too bad the other steel orchestras who were also dis
Read more…Police intimidation of Southern Marines Steel band Foundation in Trinidad & Tobago - the “Home of Pan”?
Trinidad, W.I. - Is the music community being targeted for playing their National Instrument? Michael Joseph, president of Southern Marines Stee
Read more…BP Renegades files an injunction against Pantrinbago
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
By Jamaal Greenidge
BP Renegades says the noise from the north stand during the panor
Read more…Veteran steelpan music song writer and educator Mark Loquan raised the valid question about the lack of information on and visibility -any at all - of the Junior panorama in Trinidad and Tobago. Mr. Loquan has consistently championed music education
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