The UK National Panorama Competition 2009
United Kingdom. - The British Association of Steelbands celebrates their 32nd annual National Panorama ‘Champions of Steel’ competition on Saturday 29th August 2009 in Hyde Park. This is the third year this c
United Kingdom. - On Monday the 10th August 2009, the annual CAPCA/BAS Carnival and Junior Panorama competitions transformed the Kensington Memorial Park, St Marks Road, London W10 into a Carnival Village. The overcast skies and spitting rain did not
Trinidad and Tobago - Pan Trinbago Inc. will be hosting a seminar titled “Understanding the Technology – Pan Tuning “ at the Port of Spain City Hall Auditorium, Knox Street, Port of Spain, Trinidad, on Saturday 29th August 2009, from 10:00 am to 3:00
De More We Are Togedda
Caribana 2009, Las Part of de Court Case
Queen Macoomeh speaks on the unnecessary abuse and difficulties encountered while trying to cover the 2009 Toronto's Caribana. The Pan Alive steelband panorama competition was severely
The reality that the annual West Indian Day Carnival festivities may, by conservative estimates, generate over $200,000,000 million dollars to the New York city economy, while there is zero or negligible returns to and investment in the community has
New York Steelband Panorama 2009 Preview
Still no ‘Carlos Lezama Outdoor Theater’ or ‘Rudy King Performance Center’
New York, USA - In a couple of weeks one of the greatest musical contests on the North American continent will commence. The New York
Harlem, USA - One of the greatest and most fertile grounds for the arts, literature and entertainment is that celebrated place in uptown New York known as ‘Harlem.’ Its musical and artistic legacy is unparalleled. Today was the 35th anniversary of Ha
When Steel Talks extends condolences to the family and friends of Carl Merez President & CEO of Baltimore Education and Cultural Institute, Inc.(BECI Inc.)
Toronto, Canada - De ting din start on time but dais awright. When Greenwich Mean Time was setting de clock dey fugget to sen somebody to tell Caribbean people, so is not we fault.
People does want to boof me about de fack dat I en have no music deg
Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - The National Sinfonia Orchestra (NSO) will open its sixth season of performances with Edvard Grieg’s ‘Piano Concerto No.1’ and prize-winning works from the recent ‘Symphony and Steel’ competition. The upcoming concert, under
Toronto, Canada - Yes ah say Caribana 2009. Every time ah try to say Scotiabank Caribana meh teet does bite meh tongue. Ah cah get it do easy at all. Why? No disrespeck to Scotiabank eh? Dem name bank an bank belong to de Gimme Gimme Gang. Dey doh ma
United Kingdom - Carnival Village based at the Tabernacle, Powis Square, London W11 2AY, England, an iconic Grade II listed building in the heart of Notting Hill, takes on an exciting and historic new lease of life. Stepping up its status as an inter
United Kingdom - Ebony Steelband Trust held their annual Blockorama and Family Day at the Westway Sports Centre in North Kensington, London on Sunday the 9th August 2009 with another similar event to follow on Sunday the 23rd August.
Ebony players c
Sonatas launch completes the great steelband music weekend as bands come out to play
New York, USA - This was the final leg of the great pan weekend - Sonatas’ launch at D’Radoes Panyard. With two other highly successful legs (Despers USA and Panto
New York, USA - The New York middle leg or ‘day two’ of the “great weekend of pan” was matched, held and sustained at the Pantonic launch. Ironically or coincidentally, while it was not originally planned that way - this launch could easily have been
New York, USA - The New York leg of the “great weekend of pan” took off with a bang. Despers USA’s Bedford Stuyvesant’s panyard aka ‘the Pan Loft’ lit up the night under the overhead projection of a full moon that illuminated their facilities as the
1. Rainbow City All Stars,
3. New Dimensions,
4 Grand Roy Pan Angels,
5. Pan Wizards,
6 Westside Symphony,
7. Angel Harps,
8. Pan Lovers.
Global - I don’t know how smart a move it was to request a review of The Bradley Years CD by someone who, in the “Brados” composition a couple of years ago wrote lines like, “Major force/You really was de boss” and “Gifted for days/So deserving of pr