I am looking to buy a copy of George Goddard's book, "Forty Years in the Steelbands, 1939-1979", and was wondering if anybody out there could help me out in some way. I don't think the publisher, Karia Press, is still operating, and I can't find any through online bookstores. I have found a few of them in libraries across the US, but I'd like to actually own the book. I would really appreciate it if anyone could help me track one down! If you think you can help, if you could please reply here first, I will give you my contact information after that. Thanks all!
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About Goddard's book, I'm having it reprinted. It should be out next year. I'm hoping my own pictorial history will be out in mid-December. Kim Johnson
1 used from £1,148.28
These prices are either a mistake or these companies are out and out racist who price the books out of reach purposely.
They should be taken to court
It's no mistake, I checked four companies, which also list the book at $675.97 US...what I'd like to know is, who is responsible for setting the pricing? Very few people can afford to buy a book at that price in a good market, let alone in this economy...someone wants to get rich quick, but they obviously don't know the market or the depth of our pockets.
Could it be that there are people who are willing to pay and can afford these prices?