We all have different opinions about PAN MUSIC and THE CONCERT and BACCHANAL THIS and BACCHANAL THAT. But we ALL WANT to see PAN MUSIC BLOWING UP all over the WORLD.
I am pushing the BIG 5 as hard as I can to establish a COMMUNICATIONS CENTER where PAN LOVERS from ALL AROUND THE WORLD could communicate directly and share their IDEAS and OPINIONS with the CENTRAL NERVOUS PAN SYSTEM down in the MECCA.
When it comes to THIS PAN TING -- ALL AH WE IS ONE!!!
Does the CENTRAL NERVOUS PAN SYSTEM down in the MECCA includes Pantrinbago, CIP, UPPM, The New Visionaries, Dr. DOLLY (The Minister of Culture} and the Tourist Board? Just asking.
Earl: This whole PAN TING is ah waste of time yuh know. I does just be MAMAGUYING ON THIS FORUM. I have hope for the music but I KNOW BETTER.
Translation for Ted Cloak: Ted, as much as I preach on this forum I know that it is a WASTE OF TIME. And I might as well update you that I am a CALYPSO LOVER and not a PAN LOVER. The very first time I came on this forum and said that ANYTIME YOU PUT MORE THAN THREE PANS TOGETHER -- you have NOISE ... I got royally cussed out for that belief that I still hold to be TRUE.
But I put a lot of time and energy and money into SUPPORTING THE PAN (over many decades) so I continue to hold out HOPE -- yet, intrinsically, I know better.
I am looking for a CALYPSO to play for you on THE ROOTS OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION in Trinidad but I could not find it. I will keep looking.
Anyway, just so you know!!!
Ah heah de Doctah callin'!