But, MARCUS, you is ah BIG MAN just like me!!! And you doh have to TAKE INSTRUCTIONS FROM NOBODY!!! ESPECIALLY ... ah better STOP THERE!!!
Come back and leh we discuss the ELECTIONS, NAH!!!
Especially the part where FORTEAU and SHEPPARD trying to RIG THE ELECTIONS!!!
Marcus: Me and you could RUN PAN TRINBAGO, ALONE -- without NO OFFICE or NOTHING!!! I feel like WE IS BLOOD (ah little GHETTO SLANG).
This election is LIFE AND DEATH for PAN, MARCUS!!!
So come back and leh we DISCUSS THIS THING. PLEASE!!!
Yuh beg the man to come back and talk, the man came back and said lets talk, yuh tell him after the elections. Wah happen, yuh off yuh concussion meds again?
AH REACH!!!! You are wrong with your caption but right in your post....especially the first paragraph. So let's talk!
MARCUS: You and me make go make some BIG STRIDES in PAN, together and we DOH NEED NO TITLES!!!
We go talk, PARDNAH, after THE ELECTIONS!!!
I eagerly await! LOL
And if you ever ask anybody what they think about CLAUDE GONZALES, they will tell you ONE OF TWO THINGS ... boy, I too old to MEMORIZE YOUR WRITINGS!!!