
  • Aye Claude, that is pure speculation Boi. if they had money to pay the players they would have let them know already, just to make them look good. I believe the meeting on the 4th Dec. is going to be all doom and gloom.

  • Marcus, yuh gotta forgive meh pardner Claude for having such high expectation from the new executive. Ah tell him already that it's only IOUs going out the bands and players for what's owed for 2018. Heaven help everybody for 2019, we could only hope that pan players will never be treated with such disrespect again.

    • IOU ... are you kidding me!   Can the pan men come back with "IOU - one Panorama"?

    • Cecil: Is that IOU story really true? Since this TEAM REBUILD take over BEVERLEY shut down all my sources so i am NO LONGER in THE KNOW.

      So was that a figure of speech or speculation out of frustration or REAL NEWS?

      • LOL 

  • Aye! Ah reach up for some air. Talk to meh lol 

    • Marcus: The forum needs an update on the kinds of things you are doing for STEELBANDS in your capacity as EDUCATION OFFICER.

      Ah like that "reach up for some air" line!!!

      • You will have that update VERY soon. Lol

  • what kind of tu-ban-ca song is dat boy?

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