
  • "It is even more difficult to decipher at times those who are just critiquing, those who are just praying for the executive to fail, the ones who are seeking our best interest, or the fans in denial."
    How 'bout the players?
  • I would like to ENCOURAGE all the BEVERLEY LOVERS on THIS FORUM to follow up on this POSTING from MARCUS ASH and contact PAN TRINBAGO through THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION (The Right Honourable MARCUS ASH) and try to present your personal agenda for PAN PROGRESS!!!

    My hope for PAN PROGRESS overrides all my PREJUDICES!!!

  • That is why I LOVE YOU, Marcus!!! (And not in the "CURRENT GENERATION" sense --LOL!!!)

  • Claude,

    Believe me when I say that I appreciate ALL feedback whether good or bad. It is impossible for me to scan through all the posts on WST, Pan Paparazzi, Pan Trivia and More, ComPANion, etc and still perform my role as Minister of Education (ah tief da last part from you LOL).

    It is even more difficult to decipher at times those who are just critiquing, those who are just praying for the executive to fail, the ones who are seeking our best interest, or the fans in denial.

    Nevertheless I said all of that (starting to ramble too much irrelevant preambles like the usual suspects in the position of P.R.O so lemme get to the point) to say this....

    Seeing that the PM's contact was recently released, i think someone of a way smaller magnitude like I shouldn't have anything to hide. So if ANYONE has the need to offer a suggestion, concern, or contribution (preferably in the capacity of youth affairs, Education, research or development) where Pan Trinbago Can be a beneficial force in making a difference, please feel free to send me an email at or contact me at 1-868-355-1931. 

    Marcus Ash 

    EDUCATION OFFICER (and not acting P.R.O LOL) of Pan Trinbago 

    P.s I do make time for meetings preferably in the afternoon/evening as I am NOT an early riser. 

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