Lyndon Papa Chunks Spencer
With all due respect to the organizers of the Arima Borough festivities in particular those of the Pan Fest held at Arima on Saturday 10th August 2013, I will like to express my great disappointment in the manner of which the Pan Fest was conducted. First, Band leaders and players were asked to arrive at 4:00 pm, approximately two hours before the commence of the Pan Fest. Most bands arrived at the venue at the requested time with no idea of where they were suppose to set up. Second, there were about twelve or more bands and leaders were told each band was allotted 30 minutes in which to perform. If my calculations are right this would take more than six hours. However, the show never started until around 8:00 pm, approximately two hours after the scheduled start time and four hours after bands were assembled.

Third, bands were not told what time or order in which they were suppose to play. After about five to six hours of not knowing what to do, no instructions from officials and the re-opening of the street to vehicular traffic, band members and supporters grew weary. As a result bands started playing simultaneously causing a musical clash. I am of the opinion that this confusion occurred due to a lack of proper organization combined with bands being closely set up.

To this end, I will like to recommend in the future organizers pay attention to every aspect of the event in which they are planning in order to avoid chaos such as what occurred on Saturday night. Further, pan men and women should be treated with more respect as pan is the national instrument and also a major part of the culture of our country Trinidad and Tobago.
by Lyndon Spencer
Posted in When Steel Talks Group Facebook

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  • Thanks Lyndon, Brenda and Pan Times. This is the positive approach of dialogue.

    @Lyndon, I will be present at the "BAD JOHN DAY" forum at the Renegades' Panyard. Scheduled commence time is 7pm on August 14th 2013. I can be reached at 316-9483. Thanks

    • Aye Ian, if you see Goldteeth @ the BAR JOHN DAY tell him I said hello, lol

  • And another LOCUST came.

  • Hello Lyndon,

                         I never knew you were so expressive; you are a chip off your old man Bucky (lol)

    Good piece. I still believe that things will change for the better, if the pannist and Steel Orchestras become proactive and when they have to be reactive it must be immediately. I am very critical of us pannist and know that we are sometimes our own enemy, but that is for another forum. Keep up the dialogue. 

    • Hey Ian,

                   Most people say the same when I speak my mind via writing or in person. I guess I did get this from my father (lol) and many years of school. I am still upset because things like this could be avoided. The band I worked with for this event arrived 3:45 Pm and we did not play until 9:25 pm or so.

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