1. Judging for Panorama should be done using laptops.
2. Once a judge finishes judging a band, the result should be locked.
3. Once the scores are in from all judges for all bands, a page should be generated on Pan Trinbago's website to display the results OR an existing results page should be updated to show the final score of a particular band; either way, those who are at work will see results immediately or in real-time as each band is scored.
4. The video of Panorama should be available for rent on Amazon's website or some other site within a day after Panorama.
5. As mentioned before there should be a World Cup Panorama.
6. Pans should be standardized and any new design will be referred to as a custom design.
What's your wish list?
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can i add this, make festival main music comp for the year and let the people judge panorama...