Will the change in the Trinidad and Tobago government influence the arts, cultural programs, organizations and initiatives on the twin island? What does this mean, if anything, for pan in Trinidad and Tobago? What would you like to see happen?
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I think that this change in Government is very good for the Pan movement. The PNM Government has made so much promises to the pan fraternity and has not lived up to them. I hope that this new Govt. would be more honest in their efforts to improve our Pan culture. I think that their first course of action should be the constrution of the Steelband and Mas Complex at the Queens Park Savannah. Its been over four years that the previous Administration promised to build it, and they never did. I hope that Pantrinbago and the Masmen get together and ask the Government if they can make that one of their top priorites. Its time that the National instruments have a home for the Panorama, which is the largest revenue earner for pan and panmen. I hope Mr. Keith Diaz Pantrinbago president would pursue this venture as soon as possible.
Ok, here's want I want in a nutshell for my governing body..........PanTrinbago Executive offices moving to the NAPA....The World Governing Body for Steelpan Operating at a World Class facility.............Northern Region offices moving to Victoria Park Suites allowing The Northern Region to use the venue at Victoria Park to increase its revenue generation activities throughout the year for holding its events.......we must remember that it was the UNC that increased significantly the prize money the last time around that they were in government........and finally ....more state-funded corporate sponsors like Bmobile developing sustainable synergies to allow the movement to grow....Nuff said
i think the way we were going we had no choice but to change - the new administration has already announced their intention to support culture by granting an increase in panorama prize $$$ from 2010- what to do with napa as it is will be a challenge
pan trinbago will have to change also and get into the real world with proper transperancy and way of doing business - ie move away from how pnm ran the govt to suit friends and associates and connections
get real
we have a great pan export potential and i personally will be taking that up with the new minister and others when they are settled
It is the culture of the country and culture is very important to the progress of any nation. I feel they will support it. I would like them to encourage the cultural organization to raise their money and the government match the funds.
as long as we realize everyone has to work together- local architects to sit down with panmen and masmen and dance troupes and playwrights and economists, so that when the money budget and the venues design, all is worked out to suit the purpose...acoustics and stage and so on in harmony, and user friendly. as dookeran stated, we need government of substance, not just show. we must work to integrate every facet of life- arts, housing, healthcare, business, and government. for government to know how the money must spend, the people have to become a community of knowledgeable advisors. i believe the coalition/partnership is an opportunity to do so.
This may be a blessing for Pan Trinbago. I believe that the UNC Government will work with Pan Trinbago as long as Pan Trinbago approach all dealings as a professional entity. Pan would not suffer because of a Governrment change.
With new minds and a professional attitude from Pan Trinbago, Pan may be now out of danger.
There is going to be change. Pan in Trinidad and Tobago may have to come up with a new business model.
It is in Pan Trinbago's interest that they sit down with the new administration asap. Pan Trinbago should also present the new government with their global and national plans for the immediate future - and of course a budget.
I hardly think so for all you know it might improve to show up the flaws in the previous government. I only hope they stick to their promises. But I guess we just have to wail and see.
pan trinbago will have to change also and get into the real world with proper transperancy and way of doing business - ie move away from how pnm ran the govt to suit friends and associates and connections
get real
we have a great pan export potential and i personally will be taking that up with the new minister and others when they are settled
With new minds and a professional attitude from Pan Trinbago, Pan may be now out of danger.
It is in Pan Trinbago's interest that they sit down with the new administration asap. Pan Trinbago should also present the new government with their global and national plans for the immediate future - and of course a budget.