The year is 1994 and Robert Greenidge is the arranger for Moods Pan Groove of New York. This is a two minute sample of the heralded ten minute arrangement as captured by Basement Recordings. Go to for the full version
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You made a very good observation, Gospelpan, about the differences between the 2 minute vs the 10 minute version of "No Wuk for Carnival". The two minute version was encoded through YouTube and the ten-minute version was done through Ning. The issue the difference in the way YouTube vs Ning - in this specific case - encodes the audio/video information. Neither Youtube or Ning does justice or comes close to what the orginal waves sound like. However, both YouTube and Ning have come a considerable way from the way they have sounded a year or two ago. We are stiil experimenting to find the proper blend between load time and audio quality. Below is an example of four other video publishing houses for the internet with the same two-minute clip.