So NY pan men let Widca take them for a ride, tell me how smart some of these band leaders are. Now everyone showed up so yes you need your appearance fee, Now because they had no first, second and third place bands should have asked to split it amongst all of the bands. So now first thing Tuesday morning bands should have been getting called for their monies owed for them from last year since they had nothing to put out for 2017.
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Like a lot of people, I lost my $55.00 to the criminals, "wiadca" but what got me all steamed is the pan leaders lack of "balls". How can anyone be so stupid as to go on the promise of payment when you're already owed thousands of dollars?.
Everyone knows that the Brooklyn panorama is the biggest draw for the labor day celebrations, so boycotting would be the most effective way of getting your point across. I totally blame the leaders in the pan fraternity for the situation in which they've found themselves. The inclement weather played right into the hands of Wiadca, who, from their actions, had no intentions of paying anyone. I can't wait for next summer to see what these so-called leaders of the steelbands are going to do.
On another and very serious note, I have to say my piece about the Jour Overt celebration. Caribbean people, where is your pride, how can anyone subject themselves to such humiliating treatment all in the name of "Jump-Up"?. What happened was an experiment in crowd control, and as far as the authorities are concerned, it was a success with black people being the guinea pigs. No other parade in NY has such stringent measures and tactics used, because the people won't allow it to happen to them, only the African community, who, shamefully are so docile. The authorities know it, love it and use it to their full advantage. No other parade brings in the kind of revenue for the city as the labor day parade, yet we won't use our money to speak for us. The city don't want the parade stopped for the obvious reason, big money, they just want to control the Caribbean community, totally. WAKE UP MY PEOPLE. GIVE THEM BACK THEIR DAY, then you'll see a different reaction. MONEY TALKS. They say that the violence is the cause for the lock-down, so why don't they put up barricades and check points all over Brooklyn, because we all know that there are shootings and killings all over the borough on a regular basis.
Morning Glory, you figured it out, I did and I guess a lot of others also, so how come the pan leaders couldn't and didn't ?. I guess it can go down as the case of the disappearing judges, here one minute, then gone the next. Even Mandrake couldn't pull of an act like that. As far as I'm concerned, I say give them back their blasted day. Every island has carnival so go home and spend your money there and if you can't travel in and out of this country, then Miami is just down the road and I heard it's really good.
We bought tickets for a Steel Band competition that was to be held on Saturday September 2nd, 2017, which was postponed because of the inclement weather to Sunday September 3rd, 2017. How come the competition became a show overnight and the participating bands were only compensated for their appearances? Wasn't the weather condition part of the bands contract with the promoters? Oh boy! Both parties need to get their acts together WIADCA and the band leaders because we the the ticket holders got short changed. That don't happen when a ball game is rained out.
Obviously the pan, the instrument cannot be cursed, it's inanimate.
The ting done, finished.
Try having a steelband body with NO Money from gov't. Man everybody will be climbing over each other to represent, ent??
People pay dey money to go PANORAMA and ended up in a block party with seven(7) bands. Yuh cyar mek these tings up.
Patrick: Is time to do like merrytonestothebone and go and play with your grand children and leave this PAN TING alone!
Lead better! When I arrived @ the museum 1:30 PM on Sunday
I was told by Mr. Toney Joseph that he had spoken on behalf
Of band leaders who weren't @ the meeting before things started on
Sunday. With that being said, as a band leader, and knowing howWIADCA
Is, wouldn't you as a leader be there first thing Sunday morning to
Make sure everything is in tack?
Answer this question truthfully.
If masplayers in other carnival bands pay fur the music* they dance to on carnival days, Then who should pay panplayers for the music they wine and jam to from jouvert to laslap?
* The cost of the music inclusive of a profit to the band leaders is included in the thousands of dollars they pay to participate.
What makes it worse, is that they willingly pay fo play as they move up in life from 'jumpin' FREE in a steelband to playin' mas in a big band.'
"Things doh happen "just so" , kevin Scoon.
Pan people have to organize , and put in the work.
For example , why isn't it possible for steelbands to have all inclusive J'ouvert street parties ? Charge a reasonable fee give out some "dutty" t shirts paint , etc, and provide refreshments etc. for their people ?
Obviously its the road and some will try to freeload , but there are ways to ensure that only paid customers get the special goodies.
And this is just an ideas , off the top of my head...
Again I must say that too single minded a focus on panorama is killing us !