I ask a friend in the Mecca if he is attending the prelims this evening and he told me he's not because most of the bands playing OLD TUNES.
I think the paying public would prefer to hear new music, I would.
Old music is a bad idea that should be done away with.
Here again, Pantrinbago need to improve the program to develop the competition. A new rule should be mandatory to play new tunes for panorama, this gives the young arrangers a challenge. The new arrangers should also be encourage to compose their own tune Old arrangers playing 'old tunes' should be penalized for a year. I mentioned playing an old tune, the winning prize money should be reduced by 20%. Can you imagine Sparrow make the calypso final 2014 with Drunk and Disorderly and Doh Back Back?
Most people don't realize that T&T produces the most music in the world.
Can you tell of another place in the world where people produce music every year for a festival and don't play over 75% ever again.
Cecil, I agree many good songs are shelved due to no airplay. This tune 'SPANKIN' for example, never knew it was similarly done many years ago.
This is why we cannot promote old music in panorama, who ever wins is BOSS for one year it won't look too nice if the BOSS won with ah old tune.
WE make the most music but we also discard the most music.
Well wah ah gon tell allyuh,,only ,,maybe they are resurrecting the dead.
The ones who advocate for the older music should go back to playing biscuit tins for Panorama and see how we like that too. There is a thing called progress and money spent. We cannot have progress if we keep looking back and the creators of new music would just become disheartened and move on to something else. The so called new music may not be everyone cup of tea or bottle of beer, but this is why there should be more of it and not less. More singers and musical arrangers would lead to better music.
Seeing that we have Single Pan Bands which is of the Past. We can allow that to play retro music that could also suffice for the Small Bands also. Large and Medium Bands should all stick to the New music. No Large Band should be allowed to play a piece of music from yester year in Panorama.
I think that some of the best music that we have heard are from the past. Time changes and so do men. The music that we are getting now for Panorama cant really stand up against the old ones/ We live in this time so we have to us the music that is now available even though its sub- standard to those of the past.