Many years ago at the start of carnival and panorama practice the arranger was giving  us notes for a calypso to play on the road for carnival, so he asked a new member what note is that he just played on the double tenor and the member said F H and everybody started to laugh because they knew  the note is F# SHARPE  but the new member said F H,  the way it was written on the pan it looked like F H  instead of F# SHARPE,  I guess as a first time member he was not familiar with the names of musical notes but he soon learned them. Hope that eased the tension, Now lets get back to some serious matters: for instance, the cleaning up and transparency of Pantrinbago, having a successful Panorama 2017 with prize monies and players remittance paid in a reasonable amount of time, more steelbands on the road playing mas, producing good Pan CDS for the local and global market, and XL4 PAN, keep up the good work.   !!! NUFF SAID !!!   BLESSINGS.

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  • Best of luck to All Stars on CONSTELLATIONS 2.  you always manage to remain cutting edge.

    Support this event people in the Mecca.

  • The only org to oppose PanTrinbago in an election recently was "New Visionaries", Claude is forever showering them with false credits, yet you don't ever hear from them on this forum. Whatsupwithdat? Claude?
    Have they ever addressed the nonpayment of panorama monies? I probably missed some of their offerings.
    • patrick, the locals have ah "ting" about sharing in the Forum, it's so sad that they don't see the benefits of everyone coming together and to address the problems steelbands face.

      • Sir Cecil:

        Uhm…Uhh…Ah not promoting anything. OK?  Ah SHARING ah “ting” wid you, boie.


        A couple days ago de lady say to me: “Sweetie, yuh bettah go & polish yuh shoes for Saturday, ok?”

        Cecil boie, when she duz call me “Sweetie” ah duz feel like dem long-time Paradise Plum buh meh mind duz start racing too …. Cause ah eh know wha she tinking bout.

        Ah praying she doe wan a new floor.

        After all, the one we have now is already 2 MONTHS old.  Mankind never know, yuh know.


        Anyway she say she get 4 tickets and one (1) ah dem is mine.  She say Santa come early.

        Ah going and polish meh shoes AGAIN!!  Check de link nah.


        • Dr. deLight: I feel the need to explain to you that I was "IN JAIL" from January 2009 until the night of November 8th 2016 (The wee hours of November 9th to be exact) ... so please bear with my schizophrenia. Things will get back to normal soon!!!

          • Hi Claude:

            I want to believe you meant “dual personality” instead of “schizophrenia”.

            Anyway, even if you think you have been hearing voices in your head it was probably just the proverbial bassman.   :-)  

            [I’m just relaxing in the Shadow of my silly hypothalamus right now.  OK?]

            What concerns me is the mental “jail” in which you immured yourself over the last eight years. That’s a daunting emotional picture you paint.

            Could it be that you are just overcome with the enervating feeling of being lost between two shores?   If so, allow me to suggest a curative dose of “Lax” — that should quickly restore normalcy. 

            • Dr. deLight: It was distressing to see the country being pushed so far to the left ... but now we are going too far to the right. So it looks as if I am being relocated from FEDERAL PRISON to the COUNTY JAIL -- so ah still LIVING IN JAIL ... is best ah GO PLANT PEAS IN TOBAGO!!!

              • Claude:

                It is Mr. Farrell's opinion that many people in the country where you are domiciled, either do not realize, or have forgotten that the left wing and the right wing belong to the SAME bird.   And he is no ornithologist!

                His resounding words, "Jail make to ripe fig", should strike an awakening 'chord' with you.  So, from that perspective, perhaps you should quit your vicarious self-imprisonment, be it federal or county, and instead follow through with your vision of coming to plant some peas in Tobago.

  • Of this 10,000 maybe 25 keep the fire burning in the forum, to me the forum is an important area of WST since it has to do with what's happening in the Pan World from day to day, spectators are  welcome to participate.

    At this point Panorama 2017 is priority, everything just went cold over the past week, maybe we should remind the powers that be the people in foreign has to get time off from jobs [kill mama or papa again] and would like to know what's going on.

  • GREAT AGAIN assumes that it once was GREAT. When "Whites Only" signs were all over the place, when white men wore sheets, white sheets with holes in 'em, with hoods pointing to the midnight skies. When white folks stood in squares gazing at blacks hanging from trees, as if it were Christmas time and we were bulbs.
    Gotta make sure AMERICA is not GREAT AGAIN.
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