Pan hosts its own super concert

Joan Rampersad - Newsday

DISAPPOINTED that steelpan music was not included in the Island Beats super concert to close Carifesta on Saturday, Pan Trinbago will be hosting it own super concert featuring some of the top bands in the land.

On the playbill are some of the bands that have rallied to Pan Trinbago’s call to showcase the national instrument on one stage during Carifesta XIV.

Each of those bands will be performing free of charge while pledging their mutual support. However, patrons will be asked to make a small contribution on entry.

Among the steel orchestras rallying to the cause are national Panorama winners Desperadoes, Massy Trinidad All Stars, Republic Bank Exodus, MHTL Starlift, Nutrien Silver Stars, Katzenjammers and Golden Hands.

Other featured bands are First Citizens Super Novas, St James Tripolians, Shell Invaders, NGC Couva Joylanders, Brimblers and Sappophonics...

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  • Gregory Lindsay and all international followers and lovers of this Pan, have you ever read the constitution of Pan Trinbago? Do you understand Pan Trinbago's mandate, meaning do you understand what that body is supposed to be, and what they are supposed to do? Do you understand their objectives as outlined in Article 4 of Pan Trinbago's Constitution? Why is this administration not focusing on getting the organization out of insolvency? Fighting a petty battle with the government because of their incompetence is foolish (OR IS IT A DISTRACTION AS I WROTE EARLIER?), and it is beginning to appear that Ms. Beverly Ramsey Moore has a hidden agenda that she is expecting Panmen to complete on her behalf. When Steel Talks, Pan Trinbago must start doing what they were elected to do, WHAT THEY WERE ORGANIZED TO DO, THEIR RAISON D'ETRE, and stop making confusion because Pan was excluded from one show organized by CARIFESTA (not an annual local event) in Steelband Month, an annual local event which is Pan Trinbago's baby and brainchild. This SUSTAINED attack by Ms Beverley Ramsey Moore on the government is wicked and ungrateful. I hope that the steelband fraternity is sitting up and taking note of the POLITICAL CAMPAIGN THAT IS BEING RUN OUT OF THE CORNER of DUKE and MELBOURNE STREETS, one that seems to be demanding panmen's support, or FACE THE UNDERLYING/FORTHCOMING/EXPECTED BACKLASH from this administration.

  • There were a lot of excellent Pan performances at CARIFIESTA 2019 showcase. Quite a lot. Just saying..Facts..

    The non inclusion of Pan at the SuperConcert was a decision made by the Ministry of Culture at the highest level, at the incumbent Minister's sole discretion, guided by advice no doubt of others, without the advice of the Governing Body for Pan in this Republic.

    It is good that my executive of Pan Trinbago can galvanize the type of support from member steelbands to pull off this type of rebellious venture even at the centre of this NoPan in SuperConcert Storm in de Ministry's CARIFIESTA teacup.

    All I can say is that I hope that the executive can sustain that kinda push back going into September as any negative fallout (or toting of feelings) as it pertains to the release of funds can upstage the start of the Single Pan competition 2020 on 1st November 2019; coupled with the FACT that Bands appearence fees for 4 years (2016 to 2019) also are yet to be paid...and numerous other remittances (gate receipts from 2019, etc) being well overdue.....

    CARIFIESTA 2019 has been a great showcase for the national instrument. It would have been nice if all St. JAMES STEELBANDS would have gotten an invite, to this rebel event...but that is another story,..for another day..


  • This is pretty SAD, actually!!!

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