I hate to say this guys , but while steelband issues should be of concern to the entire nation of T&T , Pan Trinbago issues are for Pan people to solve.
And we have no choice .
Contrary to what Claude may say or believe , Pan Trinbago is not an arm of the PNM government.
It is a private corporation , albeit mostly funded by tax payers, that was created by pan people and incorporated by an act of parliament to manage the finances and affairs of the steelbands.
Therefore , the government cannot and will not intervene in the corporation's affairs , unless there is a clear case of criminal activity.
And mismanagement of funds, even if it looks a bit shady , may signify incompetence , but is certainly not proof of any crimes.
This is why I've said that there may be too much focus on financial improprieties by all concerned individuals ( Including the CIP) , instead of on mismanagement and poor leadership in general.
And is why I keep mentioning the corporation's mandate , which most of you all chose to ignore.
The mandate gives Pan Trinbago the power and rights to spend the funding in just about any way the see fit ,
"Powers given in the act include:
1. Acquire land or any estate or interest in land.
2. Accept subventions and donations and manage and invest all moneys belonging to Pan Trinbago "
That means simply that they have the right to accept all steelband funds , and spent those funds any way they wish.
Remember those cars everyone was so upset about ?
I would bet that PT had the right legally to purchase them , at least in the financial accounting.
The act by parliament to incorporate gave them those powers , folks.
How in God's name can anyone find fraud when you have given the organization (and the executive ) the right to do whatever they wish with the money?
Pan people have only one option , and that is to use the electoral process to replace the entire executive board with reliable , honest individuals , and make the necessary changes to the constitution and the mandate from within.
"Pan people have only one option , and that is to use the electoral process to replace the entire executive board with reliable , honest individuals , and make the necessary changes to the constitution and the mandate from within."
I see two options here:
Option 1. "use the electoral process to replace the entire executive board with reliable , honest individuals" This is not possible in the short-term. Some members of the Central Executive, for example, Forteau, as demonstrated by his actions, and some members of the Regional Executive, Scobie, by his words, are willing to "fight to the death" for control of Pan Trinbago's coffers.
Option 2. "make the necessary changes to the constitution and the mandate from within." This is possible. Call for a Constitution Convention!!
"--- too much focus on financial improprieties by all concerned individuals , instead of on mismanagement and poor leadership in general." Great observation Glenroy; I always thought the bickering over small dollars sounds petty.
masai,what may seem petty to you,is what some leaders credited,borrowed,hocked,or/and mortgaged to prepare a steelband for panorama, so please save some concern for their plight.
Mr Joseph, have you considered that government intervention may be necessary, to revisit the act of parliament incorporating PanTrinbago, as a method of influencing the necessary constitutional reform that would dictate more transparency and accountability, and relieve executive members of the sweeping powers over the control of the affairs of the "national fraternity" that they enjoy at present?
Honestly , Russell Providence , I don't know , and that's a good question.
Since Pan Trinbago is a corporation ,one would have to visit the corporate laws of T&T to determine under what circumstances the government can intervene into the managing of a corporation , which they would have to do to be able to influence any constitutional reform.
I assume they may be able to intervene in the corporation's affairs if there is criminal activity , but again I must remind you that "mismanagement " isn't a felony (though it should be , under certain circumstances).
Dr. Kim Johnson noted the history of Panorama: “Panorama was the PNM government of the 1960s taking control of the steelband movement, what they saw as national culture. The strategy included making it more lucrative to play in Panorama because of prize money and appearance fees than to play in parties and fêtes ... PNM had no organised masses like a union, so panmen represented a structured link to the voting masses."
Keith Diaz: "PAN TRINBAGO controls 350,000 [PNM] votes!!!
And then Claude
Kamla purchased everyone of those votes to become prime minister of Trinidad and Tobago. And still Mario Sabga-Aboud says he controls everything in Trinidad on CNN.
Kamla Persad-Bissessar: I pledge to you today, that in true equality and justice, that the first prize for all these competitions will be $2 million for every one of those competitions, and that is how we will rise together; every creed and race, we will rise!’ said Persad-Bissessar as the crowd cheered wildly.
Guys , you all are looking at this thing backwards.
Pan Trinbago's job isn't to "DELIVER " votes.
It is to neutralize pan people from organizing as a powerful block, a power they had when they were a union.
Can you imagine if local steelbands were organized politically ?
Pan Trinbago keeps steelbands out of politics , and the bipartisan funding of Pan Trinbago makes sure they cannot take sides politically.
In effect , they disable the ability of steelbands to unite and form a special interest voting group , because Claude, Pan Trinbago isn't funded by the PNM , they are funded by the government in the interest of all political parties.
Else the other party won't fund them when in power , right ?
Now , if Pan Trinbago was still a union ,as it was in the beginning , it would be different , and they could have been much more political, for better or worse...