The Trinidad Guardian
Barataria, Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - US Fulbright Scholar, Dr. Ajamu Nyomba, will be the guest speaker at Studio 66’s Pan focus today, [Wednesday July 10, 2013]. A former Solo Harmonites player, Nyomba will speak on Steelbands in Trinidad and Tobago: A History of Violence at 66 Sixth Street, Barataria, at 7.30 pm. Dr Nyomba is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Economics and Decision Sciences at Clark Atlanta University (CAU), in Atlanta, Georgia. He holds a BA degree in economics from Clark College and a MA and PhD (economics) from the University of Texas at Austin.
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Wish I could attend, but I have a family commitment. I know about the steelband wars, but as one who has worked in communications most of my life I am concerned about the title of the presentation. To my mind "Pan's history of violence"contains a subliminal message that the 'violence' continues. Lennox Pierre, Carlisle Kerr, and others who worked in The T&T Youth Council and with many others in T&T to bring it to an end will turn in their graves. Recording and understanding the history -YES, but may I humbly suggest a change of name.