To the community at large, United States Steelband Association Inc. (USSA) is hosting a "PAN SOLIDARITY FORUM" on Saturday March 20th, 2010 4pm to 6pm at IS 68 956 E82nd Street between Avenue J and Flatlands Blvd.
We attempted to do this last week, but the weather prevented us from accomplishing that. To those who came out in spite of the weather ,I apologize for the postponment.
On January 18th, of this year on the message board of "When Steel Talks" someone called syncopators suggested this idea, so we are trying to present it at this time.
The agenda will include:
An address on solidaruty ( why, when, how)
A status report on USSA to date.
Discussion on the lead up to the "vote of no confidence" there have been a lot of speculation on its legality, we welcome those who believe it's not legal and will like to know the reasons why they think so.
There will be aquestion and answer segment.
We urge eveyone to come out, bandleader, panist, pan lover, pan supporter. We did send special invitations to those bands who resigned their mmbership from USSA, and we renew that invitation now.We also offer this, the door is always open for you to return.
It is important for us to talk about and examine all that we will mis out on without unification.
The building closes promply at 6pm so please come on time to fully utilize the time we have.
We hope to end this forum and walk away TOGETHER IN UNITY!
Keith Marcelle
Chairperson, USSA
I hope that we "panmen" do attend. I am not a resident of NY, but I hope that proceedings would be recorded and will be available for those of us who cannot attend. Of course there must be a token fee to help offset your expenses.
An original Despers USA founding member,
Ian Franklin
The Members of N.A.S ( with Unity our Entity Stands Strong)
Check, I believe it's FLATLANDS AVENUE not Flatlands Blvd.
Horace L. Morancie
Excellent move.
I am one Pan Lover who plan to attend.