Pan-tastic Sunday goes green

Posted by odw 12 hours ago

Trinidad Newsday

Pan-tastic Sunday goes green

Thursday, January 31 2013

In addition to being a platinum sponsor of the Panorama events, TSTT with its family of services blink | bmobile has been a longtime supportive associate of Pan Trinbago and a stakeholder in the national culture sector in general.

The bmobile Pan lime created true Carnival atmosphere with a number of entertainment acts including Blaxx, Iwer George, JW and Blaze and Superblue.

Members of the bmobile Pan Semis crew were also treated to an unlimited assortment of complimentary drinks and local delicacies. According to Pan Trinbago Vice-President, Bryon Serrette, the inclusion of these “limes” on the Northern Greens should be viewed as a business opportunity for the future sustenance of Pan as it encourages several non-pan enthusiasts to come into a steel band space and experience pan positively. He further stated that these Pan Greens limers will be the Panorama audience of the future.

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