Received from one Tobago Steelband, on behalf of other bands on the sister isle:

Subject: Emergency meeting---Did not take in consideration for Tobago bands to attend!!!!!


Many Bands from Tobago cannot make it to that said meeting (emergency meeting)and unfortunately decision made would affect them without these bands add their input.

It is quite unfair and a disadvantage that we "Tobago " bands face. We don't abide to the anthem side by side we stand.

It is too last minute for people to make it to that meeting ,as we all know the situation with the sea and air bridge... only STAND BY... nothing available until the 11th of January. So it means STANDBY to go Trinidad and STANDBY to return to Tobago.

oh For Goodness Sake,, be considerate and sensible when you doing these things in order to accommodate everyone.....

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  • They did take Tobago into consideration. They knew they would not be able to make it so it's a few less delegated to have to listen to.

    Similarly the late notice ensures that the bands will not be able to send their delegates in time and asking them to actually provide documentation to change the delegates on file is another way to ensure that the bands are not well represented or are by persons unwilling to rock the boat.

    The boat rockers will have to have documentation to prove that they represent the bands.

    It's a good divide and conquer method. They feel that there just a few people who are instigators and they do not officially represent the bands so a hastily convened meeting will throw a spanner into the works.

    As president Diaz said, 'there's only a few people making noise and the do not represent the 10,000 members' so this is a way to silence the critics.

    Then they can say we had a meeting and nobody raised any objections.

    • Thank You, Mr. Wayne Cezair!!! You just made my case for me with specific details.

      For years I have been calling KEITH DIAZ a POLITICAL GENIUS on this forum while meeting jeers and spurns. 

      In this post you outlined the "complex" level of psychological and political thought that goes into the decisions and actions made by Keith Diaz  and his executive as they bamboozle the PAN MEN and pull every trick in the book to maintain their 30,000 and 25,000 and 20,000, and 15,000 a month salaries.

      Where the THIRTY ONE MILLION WENT is still a mystery!!!

      'there's only a few people making noise and the do not represent the 10,000 members'

      Special thanks for posting that line above because I said the same thing (independently) in other posts. It is classic Keith Diaz and reinforces my passion to freely express the unauthorized thinking of this man (on this forum) whom I really believe that I have always had a good psychological read on.

      • If the  people are serious about straightening out the ills of Pan Trinbago, the government through The Line Minister should immediately use its power to seize all the books of Pan Trinbago and  authorize a Chartered Accountant Firm to immediately conduct a forensic audit of the organization and request that the completed report be handed ASAP. Based on the results, the report should be handed over to the Director of Public Prosecutions for immediate action. The President of Pan Trinbago and his cronies should be charged with Criminal Negligence and sentenced to a long term in Prison.  This would be a true example for those who wish to head up this organization going forward that it is the pan men money with which they are  misappropriating.

        But alas, this is the culture of this organization. Full your pockets for as much as you can get.

        Just remember that "Power Corrupts and Absolute Power corrupts absolutely.

        This is Trinidad allyuh hear!

        When will this corruption end?

  • Under all the ole talk...if the protesters really serious and untied as they would have us believe, Saturday's meeting is the ideal opportunity for positive action, since delegates representing all bands "should" be in attendance they have the opportunity to call on Diaz and co. to resign...

    • You never know Merrytones. He has opened up a lot of unfriendly fronts.

  • This is incredible, I am looking at some of the replies and find it hard to believe the writers are serious.
    If there are 10 members, it is the responsibility of the leader to make sure all members are able to attend, if for any reason said member choose to willfully disregard the notice, then that's their fault, in this case the leader doesn't seem the care if the attend or not. In solidarity with fellow members, none of the members should attend this meeting, until leadership extends that courtesy.
    Then there is another solution, leadership can set up a video conference with the Tobago bands.
    Now to another point, it seems to me that this emergency meeting was called because yesterday's protest, although as someone indicated that it wasn't 10,000 members, was very effective in getting the message out, their isn't a person pan lover or ordinary person, that is not aware of what is taking place and the hight of corruption that's going on.
    Another thing, isn't there any provisions in the constitution that makes it possible to pass a vote of no confidence on the entire executive and remove them?
    • Keith: It seems that the authors of the act of parliament  never figured that there will be $31 milllion stolen by the executive and that the need might arise to "impeach" a president for misconduct or THEFT

      But when you think that the corruption was brought to the public's eye when the debt was $5 million way back in 2012. Instead people waited until it hit $31 million to start screaming in the media. And even now most of the NOISE is about the $1000 bouncing checks.

      But in reality, Keith Diaz has the votes (a bevy of small bands) to withstand any NO CONFIDENCE VOTE.

      So most of the people who come on this forum and talk about voting him out and taking him to court and putting him in jail are just spouting off at the mouth without understanding that KEITH DIAZ is buried as deep as a nuclear missile silo into the bowels of PAN TRINBAGO.

      From a political standpoint, the PNM Government CANNOT REMOVE HIM. But that is another story.

      • Claude that thousand dollars is important because it belongs to children.  That was a very bad mistake Rolly Polly made. When he teef dem children money, He put the small band and single pan management in the a very bad place. They can't ask the children to comeback without that money. In fact I heard a small band manager say that his players told him they are not coming back.


    • Keith, just by people protesting shows a "vote of no confidence" all pan people should stand with the protesters because they are making a stand for all.

  • Like PAN TRINBAGO is the ROAD MARCH this year or what. Everybody beating up on dem. But at the end of the day. Ah mean the end of the month. Ah still wrong. At the END OF THE DECADE Keith Diaz will still be PRESIDENTE (Jefe Grande) of PAN TRINBAGO.

    But the best part of the speech yesterday is when the fellah say that KEITH DIAZ tell him COME ALONE. Ah sure KEITH DIAZ was going to drop ah lil bribe on him and send him quietly back to his PAN YARD.

    So TWO MEN get a little brave. It still have 9,998 to convert.

    Ah tell allyuh the revolution will not be won from a keyboard (unless allyuh have the skills of dem Russian Hackers). If PAN MEN from as close as Tobago cannot get a boat to make their voice heard -- how allyuh go sit down in FOREIGN and deliver any kind ah message to KEITH DIAZ.

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